Oh my god, guys, why weren't all of you at Rifftrax Live last night? WHY? What is wrong with you?
That is a serious question, because, without a doubt, those were the best two hours I have ever spent in a movie theatre. Better than midnight premiere parties, better than seeing old favorites for the first time, even better than that time that Steven, Mark, and I saw Rent and we were the only ones there and laughed riotously throughout the whole thing. Last night was AMAZING.
To start with,
quatredeathlady and I basically grew up on MST3k. I would say that Douglas Adams and the MST3k crew shaped our ideas of what's funny. Most of you who've met me can attest that most of my sense of humor can be traced back to these two sources. MST3k is still a huge part of the way that
quatredeathlady and I relate to each other. Though we haven't watched it together in years, I would bet that we can still recite MST3k: The Movie line for line. We still crack jokes from our favorite episodes as recently as last week. So, while I opened the invitation to Rifftrax Live to a lot of my IRL friends, I was secretly glad that it was just Nicole and me when it came down to it.
(Not that you guys should let that stop you from accepting invitations to future Rifftrax events.)
The second contributing factor to the utter awesomeness of the night was the audience. The theatre was very nearly packed and there wasn't a single jackass in the audience to ruin the experience. Everyone clearly wanted to be there and was having a great time without feeling the need to yell out jackassy things or interrupt the movie in anyway.
But really, what made the event was the event itself. They opened with a short from the 50s called "Flying Stewardess" which was basically a training video for stewardesses. It was about as hilariously awful as you'd think it was. They had a quick break, where they showed a new short from SomethingAwful, then Jonathan Coulton came out and played a few songs. Another SomethingAwful short, then the guys came back on stage and Plan 9 From Outer Space started.
I really think I fractured something laughing. It was amazing. It was HILARIOUS. I missed at least half the jokes, if not more, because I was laughing too hard to hear them. I walked out at the end and had to take a motrin because I laughed myself into pain. I mean, Plan 9 is a pretty funny movie all on its own, and there were parts where the guys didn't even say anything, we just laughed at how horrible the movie was.
But, oh man, guys, greatest night ever. We were still grinning like idiots when we came out of the theatre, all the way to the grocery store to get ice cream and then all the way home.
So, the lesson learned here? You guys should listen to me when I say something's going to be AWESOME.