some memes and stuff

Apr 20, 2009 20:07

I finally have an NCIS icon!


A couple things:
1) Thanks for all the comments on my entry last night. I'm... not really sure how to even respond to most of them except to say thanks, and I'm slowly working on doing that, but I do appreciate them. I'm feeling a little better today, even though I was sick this morning.

2) Changed my layout. I used this same layout with a different color scheme last year, but I've decided to go back to it for the time being because it's bright and spring-y and the dark background/light text combo on my last layout was starting to drive me crazy.

3) I was given stuff for two memes in the past few ::cough::weeks::cough::, so I am going to tackle both of them now.

The first is from phoebesmum. It's the one where you give someone a letter and they upload five songs that start with that letter. She gave me M.
  • Masochist (Ingrid Michaelson) - From her second album. I like to think of this song as a kind of anthem for fucked up lesbian relationships. Several of which I have been in.
  • Mad Season (Matchbox Twenty) - This song is probably one of my favorite songs by MB20 ever in the world. And it was a single! Singles are usually so overplayed that I end up hating them, but my love for this one has stayed true. Sometimes you just feel totally crazy and need to embrace that.
  • Maybe You're Right (BNL) - It just hit me the other day that there will be no more Steven!sung and Steven!penned BNL songs and it broke my heart a little. This is off their second-to-most-recent grown-up album, Barenaked Ladies Are Me. It's an Alan song in my head. That whole album was the soundtrack to my senior project, actually.
  • Mercy of the Fallen (Dar Williams) - Dar says this is a song about the giving, protective nature of all the seemingly fucked up musicians and artists you meet on the road and how those that have gone down those darker paths are the best people to have there for you when you're faced with it yourself.
  • More Adventurous (Rilo Kiley) - I haven't thought about this song in a long time! I listened to this album a lot during my... junior year at Purchase? Whatever year it was that I was super into House. That has nothing to do with this particular song, but I associate several of the other songs on the album very heavily with House and/or Wilson and/or Stacey and/or Foreman because of that.
So, that's that meme! If anyone wants a letter, feel free to comment.

3.5) justdreaming88 tagged me for that icon meme that was going around like, eight weeks ago. Um, I am doing it now?

keywords: i hate thursdays (by _toiletseatgirl)
AHAHAHAHAHAA. OKAY. Um, about six million years ago, I wrote a serial Rentfic called "Getting the Hang of Thursdays." It was a really dumb story filled with stupid H2G2 references. For some reason, the internet became OBSESSED and hounded me weekly about updates. For a long time, that was how people knew me. "That girl who wrote 'Thursdays.'" I'm obviously also an H2G2 fan (see three entries ago in the book meme for background on THAT), but this icon was mostly chosen for that quote.

(And for those of you who AREN'T Hitchhiker's fans, that's a quote from the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Arthur Dent is having a REALLY bad day and as things keep getting worse and more bizarre, he comments, "This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.")

keywords: wtf?! (by patchmyjeans)
I'm not entirely sure what Josh and Donna are staring at here. I think it might be the Surgeon General's pot q&a. I mostly use it when there is just too much wtf-ery for me to even understand what is going on.

keywords: friends, even longer than forever
This is an illustration from... gosh, I think it's Winnie-the-Pooh. It might be House at Pooh Corner. The quote "even longer than forever," is (sort of) from the same. Piglet says, "We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?" and Pooh says, "Even longer." Just a general friendship icon that I don't use nearly enough.

keywords: the doctor and rose (by noldo_icons)
General Doctor Who icon! I only have two, this one and one of Rose from "Rose." I use it... when I'm generally talking about Doctor Who? I like it because there's some whimsy in it, and even though Who can be dark, I love the whimsy and love more than anything.

keywords: rebuilding is for losers (by _takethecannoli)
This is a quote from The Daily Show from right after Bush won the 2004 election. I use it when I am being faux-arrogant and sarcastic. Another one I don't use nearly enough.

keywords: democrazy (by gimcrack_icons)
This is a quote from America: The Book. bessiemaemucho and I used to have an inside joke about the best slogan ever, "I'm demoCRAZY for democracy!" That is pretty much the only reason I have this icon! I use it on whim XD

If you want me to pick icons for you, comment and ask!

4) So, before AmazonFail happened (and I still have a tie-up post about AmazonFail that I will make ones of these days--I have three tabs open about it still), I ordered a copy of the third Skulduggery Pleasant from Amazon UK because it will not be out in the US until AUGUST but it is already available overseas. Shipping wasn't all that expensive, and mixed with the Amazon 30%, it came out to just about a wash. I am REALLY EXCITED to start it, but first I need to finish The Wordy Shipmates.

5) Now that I've seen the episode of NCIS with Danica McKellar nine hundred times, I kind of want to write Elsie/McGee. This would not be hard, given my penchant for shoehorning Elsie into my Sam/Will fic. Elsie would be good for McGee!

6) That is pretty much it.

ingrid michaelson, meme, elsie/mcgee?, music, dar williams

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