obligatory dreamwidth post

Apr 20, 2009 17:16

Hey, internet!

So, here's the thing: I am really not going anywhere. I mean, well, probably only 1/3 of my flist, if that, knows anything about Dreamwidth to begin with. Also, I have been here for a long time and am resistant to change.

That all being said, apparently when you register with OpenID you are automatically put into some drawing? And then maybe they randomly invite you? Well, that happened. And I had been meaning to make an account over there just to hold onto my name and cling to those of you who may be migrating, so... now I've done that.

I probably won't be posting there at all, not even to crosspost, but who knows? It's set up, though. Well, sort of. I mean, I registered the account. I haven't made it pretty or anything. But comment with your usernames if you want me to add you (I am still trying to wrap my head around the levels of access or whatever) and I will do so! I am about to add those of you who I know are over there.

So, that happened today.


In other news, I've been watching Psych season one for the past forty-eight hours and I am remembering how much I love Shawn and Gus, but really Gus. OH, GUS. I want a Gus of my own forever and ever. BEST FAKE HUSBAND EVER. ♥ Also, it's making me want to read tons and tons of Shawn/Gus, except tons and tons doesn't exist. But I'm re-reading what's out there, because they are too adorable for words.


I woke up sick and after feeling really guilty for like, half an hour, I called into work. Then I called my mom, who told me she had been sick all night, so I'm pinning it on last night's dinner. I'm okay now, but once again feeling guilty about missing work, especially since I don't have any sick time. Sigh.

work: bn, burton guster i love you, dreamwidth, psych

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