oh, health insurance claims...

Feb 23, 2009 18:05

So, I got my first hospital bill from Inauguration Day and I'm in the process of paying it.

My god, internet, this is a PAIN IN MY ASS.

The hospital itself seemed pretty tech savvy. It was nearly paperless. The room had a computer into which the nurse entered all my information directly. Even my prescriptions were pre-printed and then signed by the doctor. But no, in order to pay this bill, I have to write my credit card information on the back of the bill and then snail-mail it back to the hospital. The whole thing feels nearly antiquated to me. Maybe that's just a sign of the times--I am, as the teachers put it, a digital native--but it seems silly to me.


Anyway, that happened. Work today was "eh." Store Manager seems to vacillate wildly between thinking I'm lazy and thinking I am a crazy woman who can do 30928490238490234 things at once. Also, and I know this is less his fault and more the fault of HIS boss, but I feel like very day is a Sisyphean exercise in futility. Don't even ask me about the backpack fixture. The story isn't worth the spike in my blood pressure.

I like my job most days, I swear.


I'm going to spend some time on my sam_will_stuff fic tonight. One of them, at least. Right now I have three stories in progress, none finished, and the deadline is a week away. I'm getting more excited as it approaches, even though I'm sort of afraid I'll be the only one posting a story.

Still, if even one person other than me posts something, it will totally feel like my birthday and Christmas all rolled together! I was telling scrollgirl that I miss having her active in TWW because I miss reading Sam/Will that people other than me have written. It's so true. Hopefully, even if people don't post on Sunday, they'll be inspired to start writing the pairing. The community has twenty-two watchers right now. That's about fourteen more than I ever expected. Just seeing all the names makes me happy :)


In other TWW fannish news, while talking Iowa with Scroll, she suggested that I write two stories about Josh, et al coming to town. Um, this makes an incredible amount of sense and I can't believe I didn't think of it on my own. Now the only question is which story to write first. I'm leaning towards Sam's, because Will's always come easier and it would alternate the POVs Sam-Will-Sam-Will. I even picked out a title for Will's, a title which fits a lot better than "This Far Across the Tracks." I mean, initially the "Josh comes to town" story was going to be from Sam's POV and that's when I picked that title. It makes sense as a Sam title. Less sense as a Will title. I think Will's title is going to be "Running Through the Screendoor of Discretion" or something similar from that line of the song. It's a much tighter fit, story- and character-wise.

Um, sorry for spewing that all over the internet. I know most of you don't care XD


Today I was thinking about how inocciduous and I are going to take over the internet in July. We should get on planning that.

work: bn, sam/will stuff, fic: iowa, august internet domination, tww

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