
Jan 24, 2009 22:53

I knew this week's Psych was going to be awesome as soon as I saw that it had the extended opening credits that I love SO much.

I don't know what it is with this show, but this has been two premieres in a row (both the summer mini-season and the winter mini-season) where the first episode has been "eh" and the subsequent episodes have been friggin' awesome.

So, I still haven't seen the episode I missed while I was at inocciduous's, but this week was hilARious! There were several points where I was laughing so hard I had to rewind my DVR because I missed whole snatches of dialogue. The psychic antics were great this week, and I loved the Law and Order joke SO MUCH. Shawn and Gus continue to be so married and adorable and perfect together.

Oh my god, I am laughing again just thinking of some of this stuff. And, really, this show has to walk a fine line between humor and drama and I'm always pleasantly surprised when they manage to pull it off flawlessly. They've made some missteps in the past, but that scene in the abandoned building, with the fire inspector crying and deciding he wanted to die? Oh! And Gus! Oh my god, when Gus jumped into the flames to save him, my heart just burst. Oh, Burton Guster, you have my heart, always. He is just too, too much. Shawn is right--Gus is just too for him. But I want to write a post-ep anyway. ♥


Also, since I've been watching the frigging Miss America Countdown to the Crown reality show (yes, I have no shame), I ended up watching the Miss America show tonight and also, apparently, live-Twittering it. My thoughts can be summarized as thus:

  • One of the Miss America girls is named Amanda Tapaley and every time I hear her name, I snap back to the TV expecting to see Amanda Tapping.

  • I am rooting for Miss Hawaii because I liked her in Countdown to the Crown. (Yes, I watched it. Don't judge me, internet!)

  • pocky_slash: Internet, why isn't Clinton Kelly my best friend? He's hilarious!
    inocciduous: Is he wearing pants?
    pocky_slash: Ahahaha, I just snorted water up my nose. Yes, he is wearing pants XD Also, nice shoes which one of the girls commented on
    (When I was at Jen's, we watched an episode of WntW where Clinton was wearing this really ugly SHORTS with brown loafers and a perfectly nice shirt. Now we need to compulsively check to make sure he's wearing pants whenever we see him.)

  • God, I'm such a political junkie. I keep thinking of the Miss America girls in regards to how many electoral votes their states have.

  • Is Mario Lopez having a secret affair with the guy tabulating the scores? Also, am I the only person on the internet watching this?
Seriously, internet, Mario Lopez mentioned the scores guy BY NAME every time he was on stage. Weird. Also, compared to Mario Lopez, Clinton is a GIANT. Also, don't ask me who won, I wasn't paying that much attention after my favorite, Miss Hawaii, was out.


I think I need to go do something productive with my life before my brain atrophies. You know, like watch Iron Chef America.


eta: I wrote a story for inocciduous yesterday, and this is my favorite part:
"Everyone's right when they call us the Bobbsey Twins, you know that?"

"Have you ever read a Bobbsey Twins book?" Danny muttered, burying his face in her shoulder. "They... solve mysteries... and things."

"No," she said, rolling her eyes. "I was born after 1950, thanks much. But you're missing the point."

"'m not that old," Danny said. He lifted his head after a beat and then added, "Wait, the point?"

I don't know, I love drunk!Danny. He cracks me up.

quotes, jen is awesome!, writing: felicity, writing: danny, psych

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