cold cold cold... and writing, or something

Jan 11, 2009 16:42

My house is frigging freezing, internet. My house is always freezing, but for some reason I am feeling it more than usual, today.

For the first time this year, I have pulled out my 2008 NaNo novel. I made really good progress and did a lot of research, simply by skipping past the scene that's been giving me trouble since the end of NaNo and jumping to the climax of the story, the pov shift, to get specific. I'm starting to get optimistic that I will actually finish this thing. The writing today was a little choppy, but I put a few thousand words behind me, so that's progress. I am so, 100% enjoying this again.

But now I have to stop to go to work. UGH. Work is for lame-os, guys.


REMINDER! When I get home tonight, it's time for writing chat thingy. That's about 10pm EST. TONIGHT! You should come, you really should. When I get home from work, I'll put up a post with instructions on how to join us. All you need is an AIM screenname!

It will be a lot of fun, and it's a cool thing to try if you've never done it before. A lot of people don't think they can write in the 15 minute window and are pleasantly surprised at how easy it is when you throw coherency and plot to the wind XD

It's a fun, fun time and I hope to see you there, especially the new faces that popped up in the poll. 10PM. TONIGHT. BE THERE OR BE SOMEWHERE LESS COOL.

writing: chats, nano

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