happy lj-versary!

Jan 10, 2009 20:43

So, two days ago was my 7th LJ-iversary. SEVEN YEARS. Thank god the first few entries I wrote are private-locked because I was a crazy mofo, Internet.

Of course, as my brother said, "Of course you were crazy! You were sixteen!"

Anyway, craziness aside, LJ is awesome and I love you guys. THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ME FOR SEVEN YEARS.


It snowed a bunch here. Not a ton, but they didn't plow, so getting home from work was fun, if by "fun" you mean "driving 15 miles an hour on unplowed roads with a bunch of lunatics on the road." But we did go to the Turkish place for dinner, so the night isn't a total wash. I am so tired, however, and seriously considering going to bed in the next hour. It calls to me, like a siren. So warm. So comfortable. So quiet.


STILL ACCEPTING PROMPTS FOR SAM_WILL_STUFF! Really, guys! Any prompts you can think of! Leave them in the comments on this post!


And, finally, as I said earlier, the next writing chat thingy is going to be tomorrow at 10pm. That's Sunday, January 11 at 10pm.

Hope to see you there! Tell your friends! Tell them to tell their friends! It will be a good time ♥

work: bn, sam/will stuff, el jay

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