free time and disposable income and raging hormones are a terrible combination

Dec 04, 2008 21:42

For me, at least. For the five charities I just gave money to, it is a good thing.

I mean, I live rent free. I don't make that much money, but I have a little extra around, you know? And I'm planning on buying a shit-ton of books for The Pajama Program when Employee Bribery Week starts this weekend, but surfing the internet tonight has kind of nudged me into giving more. I mean, I don't have a LOT of money, but every little bit helps, right?

Anyway, sheafrotherdon has a holiday wishlist of charities, with a call for links to your favorites in the comments.

Elsewhere, bunnymcfoo would like to raise some money to get new underwear for some underprivileged kids.

ruggerdavey, who I don't even know (that is how susceptible I am to stories about needy kids. I do not even know this person peripherally.), is raising money to take her neediest students on a Wal-Mart shopping spree. Now, I know some of you feel the same way about Wal-Mart that I do, but business practices aside, I dare you to read that blog entry and tell me you'd turn your back on that.

And, as always, the guys at Penny Arcade are doing Child's Play again this year.


Okay, I am done guilting you. Except to say this: INTERNET, I CANNOT BREATHE AND IT IS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF. I can't wait until we get our Christmas tree and I get even sicker. AWESOME. D:<

Also, it is nearly 10pm and I haven't started Advent yet. WHOOPS.

eta: I have been staring at this picture on and off since it showed up on GoogleReader this afternoon. MY CRUSH, IT IS EPIC.

my imaginary girlfriend, giving back, christmas 08

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