oh, internet, can't we all just embrace the porn and be happy?

Nov 03, 2008 13:58

Things I don't understand: Wank.

Things I am not going to understand even if you spend half an hour telling me in excruciating detail how wrong the other party is: Wank.

SERIOUSLY. I could be working on NaNo, and instead I'm listening to this crap! Come on, internet. Fandom is about squee, porn, and bitching about how your show has jumped the shark. Can't we drop the whining and entitlement?


Okay. But I'm going to stay over here with the porn and the squee.


(This isn't a fandom I think any of you are associated with? This was a RL friend bitching to me about her fandom, so no worries. I just often want to drown this RL friend in the buckets of tears she sheds over her internet life. It's good to get that vitriol out or else I may one day physically try to shake some sense into her.)



Oh, seriously, internet, I just... oh! This isn't even about getting my hopes up, it's about the thrill I'm feeling for going to the polls and casting my vote. I'm so excited to cast my vote! I'm just over the moon about watching the polls come in! I can't remember the last time I had this much joy for an election! saidlian_nataly and Joe are coming over to watch the returns with me (and decorate Obama cupcakes and eat apple crisp and maybe baked alaska) and it's going to be lovely (hopefully). If you're going to be in the area and want to join us, feel free to drop by! I get out of work at four and Caitlin and Joe will be by between seven and eight.

Under the cut is an Obama ad made with a Paul Simon song. My dad saw it on teevee and then ran downstairs so we could all watch it together as ~*a family*~. This is what my family has been doing for fun in the past few weeks, guys. We watch liberal propaganda on the internet, and I usually cry like a baby. GOOD TIMES.

image Click to view


Okay, right now my uterus is making a good show of trying to escape my body, so I'm gonna run out and look for a new trench coat and also go grocery shopping so I can spend the rest of the day lying around with a heating pad, a trash can to throw up into, and some narcotics.

(PS: NaNo count has broken 5k! I am ahead!)

paul simon, rl, fandom, obama, politics

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