Internet, I am cold, cranky, and bored. Why aren't you warming me up, un-cranky-ing me, or entertaining me? As readers of my blog, this isn't just your right, but your duty!
Or not.
Hey there, internet! There are like, a million things I am behind on blogging about. Here are some of them:
- Pumpkin picking
- Katy gig
- Talley's Folly
- Halloween yard tour
- teevee
- books I have recently read
Instead of blogging about any of those things, I will give you a little tidbit of one of them and then link to my (week old) writingchatthingy ficlets.
On Saturday night (aka last night),
quatredeathlady, Steven, and I went to my uncle's Halloween haunted yard tour. It's pretty awesome. Anyway, before you go in, you have to wait on line outside of his house in the dark. To keep people from getting too bored, some of the "ghouls" come out and jump out at people on the line and wander around scaring people and being creepy. One of those guys this year had a classy hat that was very reminiscent of a stovepipe hat. He was Nicole's favorite. But that's not important (because Nicole isn't cool). What's important is this hilarious little kid who decided that the ghoul was Abe Lincoln and seemed INORDINATELY PLEASED that he had figured this out. Quote of the night goes to him.
"Where's the bullet you got shot with, Abe Lincoln?"
It's hard to explain how hilarious this was. It was the way he said "Abe Lincoln," truly. I can't decide if he was saying it as if he was brazenly revealing the ghoul's sekrit identity for all to see, or if he was doing it in derision, as if "Abe Lincoln" is the worst insult he's ever heard.
Anyway. The second best quote of the night was a series of quotes in which Steven suggested different Halloween costume ideas and one of us added (usually him), " the joker." As in, "I could go as James Buchanan... as the joker!" Also, there was something about Glory Days.
HERE ARE MY WRITING CHAT THINGY FICLETS. I am way behind the times, dudes.
["trust me."] SGA - Sheppard/McKay-ish [fundamental] original - like mother like daughter - felicity (totally, totally, totally unfinished. Like, really unfinished. And needs to be rewritten.)
[afraid to fly] TWW - Sam/Will AU thingy that I will never finish (Um, basically it's an AU where Will starts to work for Bartlet during the first campaign as a favor from his father to Leo.)
[rewards] original - Tristan and Deirdre [kitchen table] original - Danny/Alan [someone else's mortification] original - Dan and Alan So, that's mostly original stuff that I don't expect any of you to actually read, but I thought I'd throw them up there. Now I'm going to go comment on everyone else's because I just realized I haven't done that yet because I am a terrible organizer/moderator.
eta: PS: Taking the GRE is going to cost me an ENTIRE PAYCHECK. How does that even happen, guys? I can't fucking believe that a pre-requisite of even APPLYING to grad school is taking a test that costs (when factoring in getting scores and sending them to schools) nearly $200. UGH.
But, I am taking it. And if I get my ass up to Purchase to get some recommendations, I may actually have all my shit together in time to apply for Fall 09. Which is terrifying.