movie-ing, party-ing, and velociraptor-ing

Sep 19, 2008 13:39


Last night... ugh, okay, let's start with THE NIGHT BEFORE LAST, when I slept for two hours, not consecutively, then got up at 6:30 to go to the Bookstore. Where I spent all day unloading Christmas boxes again. GOOD TIMES.

(It actually wasn't that bad; aside from the frustration of not having anywhere to put things, I got to spend the day in the back without customers, hanging with the awesome guys who work in receiving.)

After work, I came home and took a nap in preparation of GOING TO THE MOVIES WITH saidlian_nataly. Specifically, we had tickets to see Bringing Up Baby on the big screen at BAM as part of their Howard Hawks festival. I decided to drive in, because bus + subway would have taken a million hours, whereas just driving should have taken fifty minutes.

Note I said "should have." When coming out of the Holland tunnel, I was in the wrong lane and missed the Manhattan Bridge. "That's okay!" I said to myself, "I'll just circle around and try again.

Um. No.

Apparently, when you miss the Manhattan Bridge, you are doomed to drive around lower Manhattan in circles for twenty minutes (of what is supposed to be a three minute stay in Manhattan) until you say "fuck it!" and take the Brooklyn Bridge instead. Turns out--and I obviously didn't know this--that the Brooklyn Bridge and that Manhattan Bridge let out side by side. The perils of taking mass transit everywhere--if I drove through the city more, I bet I would have known that.

Anyway, Caitlin talked me through the directions to BAM using the map she had in her car and I got there just in time to get seats and decide where we'd be having our Election Day Party before the movie started.

And, oh, internet, it was amazing. Totally fabulous and fun. I swear I laughed MORE seeing it on the big screen, while surrounded by people who were also laughing. It totally flew by and I didn't even realize the time until they were all in the jail cells together (a scene which I tend to think drags on a bit). It was so neat! I wish I could afford/was able to go to the rest of the movies in the series, especially His Girl Friday tomorrow. (I have to work. LAME.)


IN OTHER NEWS, Caitlin and I have decided that the Election Night Party that we HAVE to have is going to be at my house, if only because I actually have a teevee. So far, it looks like Caitlin, Joe, and me, but if you're interested, consider yourself invited. There's a Facebook group set up here, and feel free to invite yourself. You can bring friends because... I have none, so it will be a small party without you and your friends.



I could survive for 51 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor

work: bn, meme, dinosaurs, caitlin needs a tag too, movies

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