i am cold and tired and must go to bed

Sep 18, 2008 00:33

So, I got out of the shower and went to call my boss to change next week's schedule, only to discover that I had missed a call from her. I called her back, wondering what the hell she could need, considering I was supposed to be at the store in six hours, and found out, to my great joy, that we had gotten the first shipment of Christmas stuff.


So, I went in three hours early to learn how to work with the holiday excess and open boxes. It was crazy, but the night actually went a lot faster than I thought it did and I was done emptying boxes by six-ish. The fact that I forgot the store was closing at 10 instead of 11 also helped to make the night go faster.


I've been trying to get back into the writing things. I've sort of side-lined a lot of my original projects for far too long, so today and yesterday I began to revive a lot of things. We'll see what happens. I might start taking William to work with me again. I got a surprising amount done during my breaks at the beginning of the summer when we had no AC.


Tomorrow, I am working 8-4 and then driving into Brooklyn to meet saidlian_nataly for a movie. I'm pretty psyched, because the movie is Bringing Up Baby. Also, because Caitlin is awesome. We just spent a considerable amount of time looking at Obama merchandise. At first, it was because we both have Obama t-shirts be figured we'd need long-sleeved shirts for January. They were out of stock in almost every size, so after some frowny faces, we decided to make out own. I googled for inspiration and found very little that I loved, so we totally decided to have an Obama t-shirt day where we make our own shirts and stuff. It will be epic and awesome.

work: bn, caitlin needs a tag too, obama

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