bon voyage, internet!

Jul 09, 2008 00:39

Okay, internet, I know I haven't been around much, but I am about to be around even less. Tomorrow morning (in like, eight hours, GOOD JOB ON GETTING DONE ON TIME, KAITLYN), I am leaving for a few days in DC followed by SHORE LEAVE

:D :D :D :D

I will be with krabapple and inocciduous and I plan on having a grand old time and stalking my imaginary girlfriend Kate Hewlett. It's going to be awesome! If you are going to be there, let me know! I'll be taking Will (and Sam!) with me, so feel free to e-mail, comment, or call or text. It will be good times!

The rest of you can feel free to call or text too, just to say hi! I will miss you all!


Hahahaha, oh my god, in other news, I am watching Without a Trace and Martin is waving his white pain all over the place. He is addicted to pills AND angsting because his parents don't love him enough. Also, I caught a major blunder! They have photos of a suspect pumping her own gas in New Jersey, where those of you who have visited here know that it is ILLEGAL TO PUMP YOUR OWN GAS. I'm totally not making that up. All our gas stations are full service. Also, our gas is cheaper than yours. We are kind of awesome here.

Oh man, though, I love the episodes where Martin is addicted to pills.


Okay, seriously, I need to finish packing. Oh man. I suck at being prepared.

shore leave, wat

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