this is just the most gleeful day ever!

Jun 30, 2008 21:22

Yeah, I know, I haven't posted anything of substance in a zillion years, but someone just linked me to pictures of Kate and David from that "Meet the Hewletts" event and... um... KATE.

I had seen pictures of just David, and Kate is just... incredibly gorgeous. Oh my god. I love this woman. Probably more than is healthy.

Both posts are by chickyoops and thus all the photos belong to her:
Part I
Part II

OH MY GOD. LOOK AT KATE! JUST LOOK AT HER! Oh my gosh, internet. Shore Leave is in ELEVEN DAYS. I will be leaving in NINE. Kate will be there! OH MY GOD.

I am such a crazy fangirl, aren't I?

picspam, my imaginary girlfriend, kate hewlett, sga

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