my nine-hundredth post of the day...

Jul 01, 2008 00:26

(Actually, it's technically tomorrow, so this is my first of five-hundred posts TOMORROW.)

It's itsproductivity time again! For those of you who are new to my el jay, it's a daily prompt community that runs for a month at a time every three months. Um, basically, it's every day for the months of January, April, July, and October. It is the laziest community that ever existed, but there are good people there, lots of awesome original writing and great fannish writing, and the people are cool.

eta: For clarification, the people in the community aren't lazy, I am lazy. That is what makes it the laziest community ever. The people IN the community rock.

So, yeah, there's no pressure to write every day, just go with the flow. Also, joining the community automatically elevates you to Platinum Friend Status™ here on pocky_slash, offering you many other amenities that other friends don't get! Check out the official pocky_slash Friend Handbook™ for details! Ha ha! Just kidding! I love everyone here on pocky_slash equally!

(No, seriously, I'll bake you a cake. Or at least find you a picture of a cake on the internet.)

pimping, productivity

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