:D :D :D :D

Jun 30, 2008 14:58

Okay, so, I've spent the weekend being in terrible pain from cramps and also watching Doctor Who. First I watched a half dozen episodes from all over the place--"The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances," "Blink," "Boom Town"-"The Parting of the Ways," "School Reunion." Then I watched the two episodes on my DVR ("The Unicorn and the Wasp" and "Silence in the Library"). Then I DLed and watched all the other episodes in S4 and I am eleven minutes into "The Stolen Earth" and OH MY GOD I AM SO FILLED WITH GLEE. I mean, it could all go down from here, but ROSE! SARAH JANE! MARTHA! JACK! I am seriously even feeling affection for Torchwood right now, and I think I've made my feelings on Torchwood clear in the past. I am just... I keep a) wanting to pause it to make high pitched noises and flail my arms, and b) being afraid that all of this glee will come down like a ton of bricks by the end of the episode because something stupid will happen, like... I don't know. I can't even think of what the stupid thing will be.

BUT HOMG. I knew I was in love with this series at the start because... Donna. But I am seriously going to make out with it any second now. "Turn Left" was AMAZING. I love "What if?"/AU episodes and TWO of my shows have delivered this season! I LOVE DONNA. And the Doctor! AND ROSE. AND SARAH JANE. Oh my god, f-list. How did I have any self-control to wait this long?

The guy at work who I talk about Who with is going to be so disappointed that I skipped ahead, but I DO NOT CARE.

Anyway, I am going to go finish this episode now. I just wanted to get my glee in print while it was fresh in my mind. I just made a Who wallpaper for my computer, and after this episode I kind of want to expand it.


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