bag meme + amazing growing dinosaur + books

Jun 28, 2008 16:17

Wow! Clearly my random Google!imaging made me the star of giving that meme!

Anyway, my life is boring, otherwise. Today I read The Westing Game from cover to cover and remembered how amazing it is. If even half of the "adult" mysteries were written this well, they'd be... significantly more awesome. What a fabulous, fabulous book. I love it. EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT.

eta: OH DUDES I FORGOT! This is old news, but I found it this morning!:

Ian Falconer's Oliva is coming to Nickelodeon

I am still not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I LOVE Oliva. SO MUCH. On the other hand... I don't know. Cartoon? I don't know. WE'LL SEE. This will definitely need to be DVRed religiously.


Here is that bag meme that everyone is doing. I feel like I just did this when deciding whether or not to buy a new purse, but I am game to do it again now that I have a new purse!

Here is my bag when it's full:

And here is everything inside of it:

And that is: A pile of paystubs from work, a mostly empty pack of gum, two postcards advertising gigs of Katy's and Scott's which I couldn't go do, a necklace from by boss for my birthday that I can't use because it doesn't work with our ID badges, a book of NYC dessert places that I am determined to visit, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, which is one of about eight books I am currently reading, Playbill from Boeing-Boeing with a ticket peeking out, ticket from Ingrid Michaelson with the setlist from that concert, two markers and a pen, a spoon, a walking map of Washington DC, directions to a place that I did market research at a few weeks ago, a notebook that I cart around with me (it has some snippets of Iowa in it that I have yet to type up and also set lists from a handful of gigs I've been to recently), some free magazine that someone gave me in the city, a pile of random receipts and shit, a paper sign my friend Lauren left for me at work for my birthday, some tampons mixed with a chapstick, a lip gloss, and a unicorn necklace, my wallet, a pile of loose change, a black bag with my iPod inside of it, a blue container filled with ibuprofen and benedryl, Are We There Yet? by David Levithan, and Rock'n'Roll by Tom Stoppard.

Not pictured: The camera I used to take this picture, my waterbottle, and my cellphone which is charging.


So, shala sent me a package a few months back that had a hatch-able dinosaur in it. It was a little ceramic-y egg. You put it in water and a dinosaur "hatched" out of the egg and then started to grow. Back at the beginning of May I put it in a glass of water to hatch and it is STILL GROWING. It out grew the container it was in, so yesterday my dad and I put him in the pool, hoping that he'll swell to pool-sized and take over the neighborhood. HERE IS HIS LIFE IN PICTURES.

His name is Fido.

The above is Fido not long after I put him in the water. Maybe two days at most. The box is right there for comparison!

Getting a little too big for his snowman cup!

Time to move into a new container!

New container from the top!

New container from the side!

A few weeks later, he has grown past the top of the container!

Time to move into a bigger pond!

Close up in the pool!

The pool for scale!

Man, I can't wait until Fido takes over Parsippany

dinosaurs, pictures, books, fido

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