So, I should really answer LJ comments or something, but that's not as fun as the other things I've been doing to pass the time. That is, apparently, napping on the couch and aimlessly channel surfing before settling on MonstersHD, because that's what I've been doing instead.
Um. Anyway.
Today I went to work. I opened, which sucked, so I was in zombie!mode all day. There was one terrible moment when a mother dropped about ten pounds of books on a newborn, but I am choosing to look past that and instead focus on the incredibly adorable three-year-old boy that I met. I was at the computer, trying to look up a book for a customer (ridiculous aspect of working at The Bookstore that I am best at? Finding a book for someone based on one or two words that are maybe in the title.), when this little boy came up to the desk and tugged on my shirt saying, "Excuse me! Excuse me!"
So I looked at the woman I was helping. She was on the phone and waved me towards the little boy. I said, "Hi there! Can I help you?"
"What happened to the thing?"
My immediate thought was "the train table." Here's some background. My Bookstore has a Thomas the Tank Engine table that we have set up in one corner of our department. People come from all over to play with it and get incredibly angry with us when it's not out due to an event, or, you know, some child breaking it. We had it in the back so we'd have more room for Fancy Nancy on Sunday, but I knew for a fact we had brought it out and that there were trains on it because one of my favorite customers had been playing on it that morning.
I was completely confused, then, as to what he could have been talking about. "I... don't know. What thing do you mean?"
This little boy took me by the hand and dragged me across the entire kids' department towards the train table. I could not stop laughing. This kid was three at the most, and while I recognize that most kids see me and the rest of the kids' staff as librarian-esque authority figures, this had absolutely never happened to me before.
We got over there and his mother was flabbergasted.
"[Name]!" she shouted. "I can't believe--I told you--oh my god, I am so sorry!"
I was laughing too hard to care, and really, on the scale of things that happen to me at work, this was on the happier end.
"The thing," he said, pointing at the center of the table where a removable raised platform usually sits. "What happened to the thing?"
I did my best to explain that we had just moved the table, so maybe it fell out, but you could still play trains without it! I was doing this while trying not to continue laughing. His mother was apologizing over and over again, stopping only to say things like, "I told you, it's broken! You can still play without it, I promise!"
"But the trains will go boom!" he said.
"Well, trains like to go boom!" she insisted.
Really, best thing that happened to me all day, by far XD
Um, I'm trying to write in the other window, but who knows? I'm supposed to go out with Steven tomorrow, and even if he doesn't call, I have decided to go out anyway.
eta: I'm sure you've all seen these already, but
dryope posted
some pictures of David and Jane's wedding and they are just DELIGHTFUL. I know I've said it before, but Jane has the greatest smile EVER and they are just darling together, especially with Baz there. AW! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
eta ii: Here is something that I love about this fandom. I think it might be because the fandom age skews higher than many past fandoms I've been in, but every single comment I've seen on these pictures has been positive. People have been talking about how happy they are for Jane and David and how adorable they are. Many of the comments compliment Jane specifically. I feel like, in most other fandoms, there would be at least a few sarcastic, "Aw, I guess that means I don't have a chance now!" comments, or people lamenting the fact that the object of their affection is now married. Not a single one that I've seen so far, and it just makes me... utterly adore the SGA fandom more than I already did. ♥