In case anyone missed it,
Glory Days closed yesterday after one performance. I feel vindicated.
In other news, I finally got my hands on the new Skulduggery Pleasant. I'm so, so very excited to get into it. I read the first three chapters at work and was already flailing my hands dramatically with love for Stephanie Valkyrie and Skulduggery
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OTOH, seeing it from the non-funny, not-getting-it angle, I think that for several reasons describing the Wraith as vampires is problematic. In fact when I first came upon that description I was like, "Huh?" I really didn't get it, because to me vampires are evil and part of what a vampire does is turn humans into demons. I see the Wraith less as evil than as some evolutionary mistake that now has to feed itself. Also, if you throw holy water at a Wraith it doesn't hurt the Wraith.
I think also that some people are a bit put off by all the "John is totally queer" or "John is such a princess OMG" stuff. So maybe the thing about him being a girl annoys.
I should probably also say that although I've seen a few Buffy episodes, I am by no means a fan, whereas I've seen every SGA episode, most of them twice. At least. So I'm sure the degree of funny has to do with how familiar a person is with each show.
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