this is one of those feet-dragging stupid depressing posts.

Apr 22, 2008 03:48

Ha. More irony to add to my life. I just signed on AIM to finally take some of my very kind friends up on their offers to let me vent and cry at them and no one is online. Probably because it's four o'clock on a Monday night/Tuesday afternoon, but still. Hilarious ( Read more... )

work: bn, the weepies, i am crazy, music, slanty face

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quackerscooper April 22 2008, 08:23:18 UTC
I am getting up for work and you just got home. I hate you.

It looks like I just missed you on IM and I don't want to call since it's so early but I remember what got you over all of this so long ago and it was called sleeping with someone else. And even that didn't work entirely.

I don't think I've actually told you that I'm sorry that all of this happened to you. I am. (See? I can be more than just a catty bitch who says, 'I told you so.') And I hope you know that I think that she fucked up big time because you are a wonderful, beautiful person to be around and the fact that you're still giving her chances and she's still stomping all over them blows my mind. Regardless, I know how hard it must be to put this behind you and I'm terribly sorry for sending you that text. I was trying to be funny and not intending for you to feel worse.

I wish I had an easy answer for you. Time and distance heal all wounds, etc. I know coming from someone who's engaged that probably means crap, but try to take it to heart. Love sucks and it hurts, but at least you tried. (Apparently all I am good at is spouting platitudes.)

I blame the sentimentality of this comment on the early hour. I should be home from work by the time you're home so feel free to give me a call if you still need to vent.


quackerscooper April 22 2008, 08:28:24 UTC
PS: Send me some Weepies if you want. Again, sentimentality, early hour, etc.


pocky_slash April 22 2008, 15:13:50 UTC
You are sometimes my favorite person ♥ It's okay about the text. It just kind of... I don't know. Shook me up, I guess. I was in my little work bubble doing work things and then, pow.

Anyway, thank you for a sentimental comment. I will have to put it in the book as THE NICEST YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TO ME.

(just kidding i love you. ♥)

Also, i will TOTALLY 100% SEND YOU SOME WEEPIES. Oh my god. They are WONDERFUL.


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