writing chat reminder + friends and stuff

Apr 11, 2008 13:14

So, the writing chat thingy will be tomorrow, Saturday April, 12th at 12pm EST. I hope people can be there! I wanted to post a reminder yesterday but I was exhausted and stuff. TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Bring strangers! I don't care! It will be good times.


Last night, after working all day, I went out with Steven and Alex and it was... really nice. Definitely what I needed to at least try and get out of my funk. I'm still kind of... stuck in it, but at least now I feel a little bit better. It's nice to remember that you have friends and to actually see them and stuff. I wish I could afford to see them all the time. I'm really jealous of any of you who actually live in the same town as your friends, btw, and if you're not taking advantage of that all the time, you should be.


We saw Scott and Katy and Scott and Katy's entire extended family last night. It was nice. Scott played some songs I adore and some other songs that I don't like as much and in general, everyone had a good time, I think. Katy is playing tonight and I initially was planning on going, but I mentioned to her last night that I was pretty tired and she made it clear that she would not think less of me for, you know, not showing up to her father's memorial gig. So I feel kind of shitty about it, but I think I'm staying in. Going to gigs by yourself is lame anyway.

I need to finish up my lgbtfest story and also read/write for itsproductivity, but it's really nice out, so I might go sit outside instead or... something. I'd also really like to go shopping for pants that fit me. If I actually am down a pants-size I might die of shock. I've been wearing the same size since high school.

steven, alex has a tag, katy and scott

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