I had really hoped that with all the protest people not posting I would have a break from hearing about how LJ is the devil, but it appears that is not the case. Come on guys, can't we all just post porn? Please?
Anyway. Sorry. I needed to get that out of my system. Anyway,
I AM SO GLAD SHANNON WENT AND RONNIE STAYED. Because, okay, obvs I love Ronnie (even though I don't know if he deserves to win the whole thing over Perri), but I've been wanting Shannon to go since pretty much the start. THANK YOU.
Also, they all had AWESOME photoshoots this week! They were fabulous. I think the one that I liked the least was Holly, and mostly because she just sort of laid there? But the fire thing was cool and Perri's was AWESOME. I loved the shit on his teeth that made him look like he had crazy pointy teeth.
Also also, I'm so pro-Christian hanging out and giving them tips. And his dress for Holly was... very him.
The second catwalk was... ridic. In a good way. Awesome. WHO WILL WIN, GUYS? Who knows!
I'm the only one watching this show, aren't I?
So, there's this guy on this round of Top Chef who's all, "I cook with SCIENCE!" and is kind of a pompous jerk and he reminds me SO MUCH of Rodney in
that Top Chef fusion. I giggle every time he's on screen. Also, I hope there's drama with the lesbian couple.
TO THE POINT OF THE ENTRY. Last night we had another writing chat thingy. It was a little less attended, but I figured that would be the case because it was a weeknight. Looooovely time, though.
Please page through the results
here if you have time. SGA, TWW, original, Ranma 1/2, and Dresden Files are some of the fandoms represented, as well as oodles of original stuff.
Here are mine:
December Memory - SGA - Rodney, Jeannie This is what they said - original - Mirek, Liam (k+f) Explain a bruise - original - Mirek, Karuka, Jimmy (hwh) take the long way round - SGA - Radek, Rodney/John a secret you're afraid to tell - original - Rajiv(/Felicity) A door key - original - Gideon/Mirek (k+f) Please read? Because you love me?
After Make Me a Supermodel is over, I'm going to watch The Thing from Netflix, but here is something else before I go, one last shining look into my character:
I love songs I discover from commercials.
You know that poll I did a few months back about whether or not you get annoyed/disappointed when songs you like are in commercials? I am the reason why that is a GOOD THING for artists. Aside from, hey, they're making money!, I am the type of person who likes a song in a commercial and then buys it from iTunes. I do this ALL THE TIME. I love it.
It reminds me of... I think it's from The Real Thing, but I'm too lazy to go upstairs and look, but there's this scene in this one Stoppard play (and now I'm nearly sure it's The Real Thing) where one of the characters is asked to appear on a "Desert Island Records" radio show. He has to choose his eight desert island tracks, but it's taking forever because he really likes catchy pop singles and he's too pretentious to go on air and announce to the entire world that he's that, you know, un-pretentious. It's awesome. It's also me.
Anyway. Time to vote and then watch The Thing!