(no subject)

Feb 04, 2008 21:56

I think Kate Hewlett is trying to kill me with these twitter and blog updates. I really, truly do.


So, last night I took a benedryl around four am to stop my itching and then slept until THREE IN THE AFTERNOON. That's just... ridiculous and embarrassing.

So here is my question to you, f-list. I think the reason is because my skin is dry from the weather. Can anyone recommend a really good lotion or body wash or something? Something that moisturizes, I guess.


I am SO excited about voting tomorrow! It's my first primary ever! I'm unaffiliated and never bothered voting in past primaries because the NJ primary used to be early June, at which point the party nominations were pretty much over. But now it's Super Tuesday! I get to vote on Super Tuesday! I can't wait!


I had other stuff to blog about, but at this point I can't really remember what it was.

sick, kate hewlett, politics

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