Jan 07, 2008 03:41

Or at least a handful of ficlets or somesuch.

ANYWAY. Today we went to the beach because it was a little warmer and... dude, we were a block away. We couldn't not walk over there.

So, we bundled up in coats (Or, well, first Joe bundled up in a coat while Caitlin and I were in sweatshirts. Then I decided my sweatshirt was too thin, so I grabbed my coat and inadvertently peer-pressured Caitlin into putting on a coat as well. This was a Good Thing as it was WAY colder out then it felt on the porch.) and then walked around the block to the beach. Joe took some pictures while Caitlin and I poked around in the surf, looking for interesting things.

"Crab," she said. "Beer can. Shell."

"Beer can," I continued, pointing. "Crab. Crab. Beer can. Crab drinking a beer can."

That was a joke.

"Shell," she said. "Rock. Rock. Rock. Crab. Beer can."

"Crab," I said. "Rock. Rock. Crab. Buzz Lightyear. Rock."

So, of course, I dug Buzz Lightyear out of the sand and decided he was going to be my new mascot. His helmet is totally scratched up and filled with water and it was AWESOME. He has all his limbs and everything!

We did some more walking on the beach and found some other awesome things (Caitlin found a piece of wood that was attacked by a woodpecker or sea-wood-worms or something and it's really cool) and then went back because it was cold.

That is my SUPER SPY COAT. When I button all the buttons straight up, it covers my eyes. It is for spying, clearly.


itsproductivity for January 6&7:

January 06:
You're standing in a doorway...

Comfortable - pg13 - Gideon/Mirek

Gideon revels in the niche he's dug for himself.

January 07:
Once, when no one was looking...

Obliquely - pg13 - Andrew Reynolds

Andrew covets, lies, and steals all in the course of one afternoon.

See you in the morning, f-list.

writing: mirek, caitlin needs a tag too, pics, writing: andrew, me, friends

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