hey internet.

Jan 06, 2008 13:01

Hi there, ladies and gent(s?). Still in Montauk with Caitlin and Joe. We've been chilling since Friday night and it's just the kind of mini-vacation that I needed after the insanity of a Christmas season in retail and with my family, et cetera. I wrote a (very) little and watched teevee and lounged around and it's been thrilling so far. Wheee.

But, in other news, I put a couple of responses up to the anonymous comments that were specifically directed at me in my new year's meme, so feel free to click over there if you thought you said something nice about me XD

Also, I posted two things yesterday. They're both in the same entry, which was a tactical error on my part, so to see the second one, just scroll down:

January 04:
If you don't risk being garish, you risk being bland.

Bland - pg - Mirek and Valentine
In which Valentine pressures Mirek to be happy and he resists.

January 05:
Write about your first superstition.

Ghost of Summer Past - pg - Theo and Shelby
In which Shelby and Theo reminisce about their childhood fears and Theo tries not to think too hard about why Shelby makes him uncomfortable.


That's all for now! See you tomorrow!

original: theo, caitlin needs a tag too, original: mirek

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