[advent 07] december thirteen

Dec 13, 2007 19:36

So, I'm cheating a little today. I want to use today to work on yuletide, so I'm posting something I already started but never posted. Mostly because I was thinking about it recently, as lurkmuch requested something similar.

So. SGA/TWW fusion. CLEARLY THIS IS SELF-INDULGENT. But also, I hope, hilarious in concept. I don't know how hilarious it is in execution.

It starts kind of in the middle because I never write things in order. And then there are a few random bits of later scenes. So this isn't really a story so much as a peek into my WIP folder. But. Um. I have to go write yuletide.

advent - day thirteen
tww/sga - the best and the brightest

Sam was in the middle of a translation when Toby knocked on the door to his office.

"Your stalker is here," he said.

"He's not my stalker," Sam said absently, squinting at a glyph. "I'm his stalker."

"I'm flattered," Will said, and Sam looked up so quickly he almost snapped his neck.

"Major Bailey!" Will grinned at him. "I... um... hi."

"Hi," Will said.

"This is pathetic," Toby muttered. "I'm going back to my office."

Sam didn't even notice his absence. "Have a seat," he said, gesturing towards the chair in front of his work station. "Do you want a cup or coffee or..." Will nodded, and Sam jumped to his feet to attack the coffeemaker. He needed to take a deep breath and get his head together. It wasn't as if he'd never seen Will before. Sometimes they bumped into each other at the gym or in the mess or in meetings. Once, Major Lorne had taken Sam along on a mining mission to translate some ruins and Will's team had been there too. It hadn't been a great moment for Sam--he tripped over his own feet and almost knocked over one of the structures he had been brought on to translate. It had, of course, been right in front of both Will and Lorne. Lorne hadn't been very happy. He spent a lot of time muttering about mining missions and artifacts and something that might have been Daniel Jackson's name, spat with utter frustration, but whatever that ws all about, Sam hadn't been off-world since.

He also hadn't seen Will since.

He slid a fresh cup of coffee across the table to Will. "It's a little old, but it's still hot," he said.

"Thanks," Will said, but he didn't drink any.

"So," Sam said. "Um. How's your gate team?"

"That's... actually what I'm here to talk to you about," he said. "I'm sure you heard about Lorne and Zelenka and--"

"--the green berries, yeah," Sam said. He gave an involuntary shudder. He figured everyone had heard about that by now.

"So, Zelenka is refusing to go off-world again," Will continued. Sam snorted. Zelenka was a smart guy. "And McKay wants Simpson on Lorne's team. Which means that my team has an opening."

Sam blinked. "And... you want..." He cleared his throat. "Doesn't McKay normally parcel out the scientists?"

"Sheppard talked him out of it after I admitted that I prefer the soft sciences," Will said.

"Really?" Sam asked. He knew that, in McKay's opinion, the science of language couldn't get any softer if it employed dozens of puppies.

"Really," Will said. "I did Political Science at the Academy. I have a law degree." Sam tried to look surprised and not like he already knew all of that from blackmailing Sargent Campbell into hacking Will's files. "And I want you to fill the extra spot on my team."

"What about when Zelenka realizes that he needs to go off-world if only to avoid being surrounded by McKay every hour of the day?" Sam asked. Because that was inevitable.

"I already asked. Zelenka goes back to Lorne's team and Simpson goes to whatever team needs her. You can stay with me." Will flushed and quickly amended, "Us. With us."


blah blah blah i guess stuff happens.


At the SGC, gate teams were numbered and reshuffled based on performance on missions, personality, and proficiency of civilian personnel. On Atlantis, teams were referred to by the name of the person who was nominally in charge. Dr. Weir liked this method because she thought it meant that no one felt the pressure to move up through the numbers and no one felt they were worth any more or less than anyone else based on what team they were on. Sheppard liked this method because it meant less work for him.

(Although Weir's theories on team structure weren't entirely true, they did hold up. Unlike SG-1, Sheppard's team pretty much got into more trouble than the rest of the teams combined and Lorne's team, which would technically be next in the hierarchy, usually ended up with the weirdest missions of any of the other teams, including Sheppard's. Whenever anyone started to feel frustrated about being on a team that mostly did tertiary trade work, inevitably either Sheppard's team would get captured or Lorne's team would come home married and everyone would feel marginally better.)

Will's team fell somewhere near the bottom of the pecking order. There were a few teams below his, but Team Bailey's tasks were rather mundane. He was incredibly competent in combat, but something about his posting as a JAG lawyer prior to working at the SGC made the higher-ups leery about sending him into battle. He didn't seem to mind too much; apparently he worked as legal counsel at the SGC for a few years before begging his way off-world to oversee a trade agreement. He took well to trade negotiations and ended up on a lower-tier SG team. He had the Ancient gene--not a very strong expression of it, but enough to fly a jumper and turn things on without thinking about it too hard. The only reason he wasn't with the initial expedition had something to do with a famous military father and a sick step-mother. No one knew the exact details and Sam wasn't about to pry. Well, not that much.

With the Daedalus running regular missions to and from Earth, though, Will was more than happy to make the trip and ecstatic when Sheppard presented him with option of leading his own gate team. He'd been sure he'd have to argue just to get a chance to go off-world, and now he was getting his own team. Well, mostly his own team. Sheppard told him the catch was that he had to take Dr. Simpson on as his team's scientist, since Simpson's three previous teams hadn't worked out and McKay was adamant about having her in the field.

Will could work with that. He had two other space to fill, and decide to pull a Marine from the initial expedition--Sargent Young, who was bright and funny and a disturbingly good shot--and one from the latest group--Lieutenant Hayes, who was better at hand-to-hand than any tiny blonde with a sweet Southern accent had any right to be. The four of them got on well and managed to get into slightly more trouble than the average Atlantis gate team but still significantly less than Sheppard and Lorne, which everyone considered a win.


blah blah blah here Team Shep and Team Bailey are on a mission together and Sheppard, McKay, Sam, and Will get captured. Ainsley and Charlie and Ronon and Teyla have to provide the rescue, as usual, but while they're waiting, Will asks why this is his first joint mission with Team Shep.


"I didn't think it was because you didn't trust me," Will said. "I didn't really think about it much at all, to be honest." Sheppard peered at him with his eyebrows raised. "Okay, so I thought about it a little, but I figured it was because of... you know." He gestured vaguely. "Maybe you felt bad."

Sam looked back and forth between them. "Felt bad about what?" he asked.

"Yes, can we get a little more information about this conversation?" McKay asked.

"It wasn't because of that," Sheppard said quickly. "That's now why I made you a team leader either. You're a good officer, you seemed to be doing good work at the SGC and you had the gene."

"Well, I know that Elizabeth wasn't entirely thrilled with the decision," Will said.

"Elizabeth's not thrilled with most of my decisions," Sheppard admitted with a shrug. "That didn't have any bearing on what I did. Neither did the other thing."

"Okay," Will said, holding up his hands. "I believe you. It doesn't affect how I think of you, either, in case you were curious. I mean, it was a long time ago."

Sam looked at McKay for help, but McKay was staring at Sheppard through slitted eyes. Sam could practically see the gears in his head turning as he watched Sheppard rub the back of his neck.

"Yeah," Sheppard said with a small smile, "it was that."

McKay's eyes widened almost comically, although Sam didn't get it. He didn't have to wait long, though, because McKay pointed wordlessly back and forth between Will and Sheppard and then nearly shouted, "You slept with him?"

Sam's eyes went wide. Will blushed furiously and Sheppard shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Um," he said.

"Well," Will said.

"Oh my god," Sam said.

"You hussy!" McKay said.

"Hey," Sam said quickly, "just because he--"

"Not him," McKay said, flapping a dismissive hand at Will, "him." He glared at Sheppard.

"It was a long time ago, McKay!" Sheppard said. So much for plausible deniability. "I was still in school, I was pissed at my dad, I was drunk..." He looked at Will helplessly.

"I was a lot cuter when I was seventeen," Will added.

"You're still--" Sam started to say automatically and then covered his mouth with both hands. Whoops. Will's eyes widened. "Nevermind," Sam said quickly.

"Um," Will said. "This maybe isn't the best place for this conversation."

"No," McKay said, "by all means, go back to discussing your twelve-year-old girl crush. Why don't you pass him a note that says 'Do you like me? Check one: yes or no?'"

"You're not exactly one to talk about a twelve-year-old girl crush, Rodney," Sam said, blushing to the roots of his hair. He was in an alien jail cell with his boss, his team leader, and his team leader's boss having a discussion about his crush on his team leader. This had to be a dream.

"It's not a crush if I'm actually sleeping with him," Rodney said.

"McKay!" Sheppard hissed.

"What?" McKay said. "You've apparently slept with Major Klutz and Sherborne is too busy fantascizing about what he's going to name his magical Pegasus Galaxy ass babies to care about who anyone else is sleeping with."

"It's Seaborn," Sam said.

"Whatever," McKay said.


Yeah, there's all this other stuff, like this Josh/Donna subplot that ends with Josh in the infirmary. And also Kate Harper, CJ, Cadman, and Simpson play cards together and CJ's in the military and Danny has this ridiculous crush on her and Toby hates EVERYTHING and Leo and Hammond are BFF. And maybe one day I'll finish it.

mckay/sheppard, sam/will, josh/donna, fic: tww, fic: sga, advent 07

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