oh, lj.

Nov 19, 2007 20:05

So, my f-list won't load on Firefox? It's working on Safari, but I can't get anything past the main page on Firefox. Which is... frustrating.

Work pretty much sucked today, but not for any specific reason. I think I had just gotten my fill on B&N last night and had no desire to go back this morning. No terrible customers and one or two good ones, but I was still there too long and completely tired and bored for most of the time. Responsibility sucks, guys D:

But I'm home now! I'm exhausted, but I'm going to try to at least finish a couple of scenes for NaNo and maybe work on one of the other stories I'm trying to write. Also, I'll probably run the garbage disposal at least twice because I just now remembered one of the contributing factors to how much work sucked: I was ten minutes late because someone hid my keys.

I'm not even joking. In our house, we all leave our keys on the ledge between the den and the kitchen or on the kitchen table. Always. This morning, I got up to head out to work and couldn't find my keys. Anywhere. I tore the house upside down, checked my bedroom, the living room, everywhere I could think. Finally, after I was officially late, I opened the back drawer where we keep the spare keys, figuring I could take a valet key instead. THERE WERE MY FUCKING KEYS. I was so angry. alsfjiowaejflsdf I know it was my mom, because when I told her, she was like, "That's so stupid, who would do that?" She thinks it was my dad on one of his mad cleaning things. Oh man. I was SO PISSED. Plus, with the snow and all... oh man.

Anyway. I'm tired. So I'm going to write (sooooooo behind) and then make take a shower and a nap. I want to (HA) try and get ahead before Wednesday because I reeeaaallly want to take Wednesday off. I don't have to work, so I don't want to, you know, get out of bed all day. Woo. Awesome.

So. We'll see if this posts.

work: bn, writing: nano, family stuff

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