responsibilities are for losers, apparently

Nov 19, 2007 01:13

Oh man, I just spent the last two hours reading a huge AU story instead of working on NaNo. I AM GREAT AT HAVING PRIORITIES, GUYS. I do not know what happened to my sense of responsibility today, especially because this isn't a hard scene. It's a freaking sex scene, I could probably write it in my sleep. But no. I had to read about John and Rodney being domestic for two hours.


I think the fact that I had to go to work twice today makes up for it. I had one three hour shift (stupidest thing EVER) and then I had to go BACK two hours later for a meeting that lasted until eleven. I kind of wanted to gouge my eyes out. I have to be back in the store tomorrow at eleven, too, for a regular-type shift. Joy.

Work aside, I didn't do much of anything today. Last night I went out with Leslie. We went to Republic for dinner and then saw Humans Anonymous and it was pretty awesome. SHALA! I HEARD A FALL OUT BOY SONG THAT I ACTUALLY KIND OF LIKE. I TOLD HER YOU'D BE PROUD. (What I actually said was, "My friend Gabrielle keeps sending me little tidbits and videos and I am trying so hard to be interested in them so she will be happy to hear this!")

Humans Anonymous was even better the second time, and I'm really happy I went the first time to begin with. The house was packed--I don't think there was an empty seat--and at times it was hard to see and hard to hear because of the laughter. Still, it was fabulous and everyone in it was fabulous. I met leupagus at the show and she is such a doll, guys. Hopefully I will be seeing more of her soon! Afterwards, I took the train back to Jersey with Leslie and we talked in her car for a little while before I came back here to see that lovely blog from David. It really was the perfect ending to my day, even if I did go to bed without adding anything to NaNo.

However, I didn't get to bed until close to three and I was up hellishly early Saturday morning because my Mom couldn't find her car keys and enlisted me to help her. That meant, of course, that I slept until after one in the afternoon. Jesus Christ. I can't remember the last time I slept that late, guys! I was totally into a sleeping routine! I think my parents thought I was dead.

And after I got up I mostly spent the time before work reading and writing a little bit. Then work, meeting, etc. So today was pretty boring. Only two more days of work until Thanksgiving, though! I have Wednesday off. I am very much looking forward to that, and also to eating lots of food on Thursday and having time to write and read sappy holiday fic. (The AU that I just read included two Sappy Holiday Scenes. I'm so in the mood, now. Does anyone have any recs?)

I'm doing this new thing where I'm funneling my disappointment and anger into writing and also running the garage disposal? I know that sounds crazy, but hearing things get torn to bits does wonders for my moods. I don't know how long I can keep it up for, but the possibility of forming new friendships helps as well. There are, indeed, people out there who think I'm worth their time, you know? Good to remind myself every now and then.

Speaking of, I have to e-mail Steven. KAITLYN, REMEMBER TO E-MAIL STEVEN.

So, bedtime for Kaity. For reals. But first maybe a shower or something. Or some writing. Or. Yes.

work: bn, writing: nano, kate hewlett, theatre, friends

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