music nerdery

Oct 22, 2007 20:55

one; Work, busy, etc. Sorry folks.

Next weekend will be awesome, though. Quite packed, but awesome. I guess no one wants to go to a party with me, huh? C'mon, it'll be fun. If I get drunk, I might even feel you up and/make out with you!

:;cough:: Anyway. Party, maybe Scott gig, then quatredeathlady's, then her party. Then I'm working for five million years and THEN I GET A SPECCYGEEKGRRL. Like, for two whole days, which isn't nearly long enough, but is better than nothing. I am kind of fiendishly looking forward to this, guys.

Also, November means the start of NaNo! I'm not officially doing it this year because I'm co-writing with Dani, but... yeah. I am doing it. We're going to set up a community or something for it so Watch This Space (tm).


Huh, I started numbering these things and then lost track. Tomorrow night, my parents and I are going to an interview/reading? I think? With Stephen Colbert at the 92nd Street Y. I freaking love 92nd Street Y readings and interviews and... everything. They seriously bring so much joy to my life. So, that's happening. And I have off from work! So those are two good things.


To the music part--it occurs to me that there are a ridiculous number of Paul Simon songs that can bring me to tears given the right circumstances. I am uploading many of them for your enjoyment*

I was going to talk a little about each song, but there are a LOT and I wanted to write something else and then watch a movie and go to bed. So, please DL and enjoy and comment if you DL? Really, I'm just curious as to who DLs my music, is all XD


Call Me Al

Boy in the Bubble

The Coast

The Obvious Child

Spirit Voices


Father and Daughter

How Can You Live in the Northeast?

St. Judy's Comet

American Tune

Look at That

The Teacher

Senorita with a Necklace of Tears

* Your twenty-four hours of enjoyment, because clearly you're going to delete them after that time, per the RIAA standards, right?

work: bn, paul simon, tcr, music, friends

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