work, tired, family, etc

Oct 21, 2007 22:08

Okay, so. Working a lot. Tired all the time, et cetera.

Some things of note:
I was invited to a party! By Leslie from work! It's a Halloween party! So, Does anyone want to go to a party with me? She said I could bring a friend, but I don't know anyone in town and... yeah. If you're in the area and want to go to a party with me, feel free to offer. I will totally take you up on it.

Secondly, this means I need a costume a whole day earlier than I had planned. Um. Any suggestions?


In other news, my family is crazy.

Dad: I got six of the differences, but I can never find the seventh one.
Kait: ::glances over:: the comparison panels of the Kids' Comicz?
Dad: Yeah! It's hard!
Kait: ... okay.

And then tonight my entire family was over for a party I missed because of work:
Mom: [Guy] wants to know what's harder, teaching or fighting fires.
Dad: Oh, that's easy. Teaching. Fires are easy.

Guy: I don't think I could ever do that.
Dad: Which, teach or fight fires?
Guy: Oh, god, teach! Give me fires, no problem.

And then my mom and my aunt told a story about how they took my grandfather's ashes out to dinner once. And we all died of laughter because everyone I'm related to is batshit.

Anyway, I'm opening tomorrow, so bedtime for me. Hope you're all doing well.

work: bn, quotes, family stuff

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