[witty subject line]

Oct 10, 2007 15:24

I really wish that my cellphone would accept verbal commands. I'd have to personalize them, however, because somehow I think, "I'M IN THE FUCKING SHOWER I WILL READ YOUR NEW MESSAGE IN A MINUTE!" would not come preprogrammed. You never know, though.


Guess where I am right now! Here's a hint: they serve two of my favourite things in the world, baked potato soup and strawberry smoothies.

I am feeling a little better about life right now. I reminded myself to take my own advice--it's a fucking stupid retail job. It's not the end of the world. Even if I do screw up or somehow do something that gets me fired, it is only a stupid retail job and (for the most part) has no bearing on my future.

Plus, after this weekend is over, things will relax considerably. I have things to look forward to. Stephen Colbert is in a few weeks, and then in November, I might have a speccygeekgrrl for the night. That would be pleasant. Plus, there's quatredeathlady's birthday party, and I was encouraged to go to the Halloween party someone at work is having. MY FUTURE IS BRIGHT, EVEN IF I DO NOT HAVE A REAL JOB.

And November also has Kate Hewlett's play, with that lovely chance to actually meet Kate, who I might be in love with. I know this comes as a shock to you guys, seeing as how I hardly ever talk about it.

I have also made a decision to go out of my way to see my friends more. I've learned enough about Friendship (capital F) since July to star in my own teen-angst-filled made-for-teevee movie, and one of the keys seems to be that everyone forgets about you when they don't see you. So. Making an effort. (Plus, the whole thing where I saw Steven this weekend reminded me that it is terribly inconvenient not seeing someone that I love that much as often as I used to, so I should fix that.)

Anyway, those are all things that have made my day brighter. Also, I am buying a new dress for Friday.

Also also, I just re-read a story that speccygeekgrrl posted last night and it made me absurdly happy. laksjfofjlkadsf OH BOYS. I can't wait until November.

work: bn, job w0es, friends

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