random television musings

Aug 23, 2007 22:00

one; Who Wants To Be A Superhero?

Okay, how hilarious is it that Parthenon's super evil secret is his interior decorating abilities? Seriously? He is literally The Gay One. I cannot stop snickering at like, everything ever that he does.

I'm glad Hygena didn't go home. I still really, really like her, even if I think Parthenon is becoming my favourite. I'm happy that my three favourites have made it so far, though! Woooo! And with Whip-Snap gone, I feel like I am mostly okay with any of the top four winning.


two; SGA in HD

So, we get UniversalHD, which is this HiDef channel that shows random movies and teevee shows in HiDef. They show SGA on Thursday nights and I think the people who make the promos for it have never actually seen the show. I can't remember any of the specific things that they say, but it's all stuff that does not really apply to the show except in the most abstract way. I feel like someone who didn't watch the show, but was vaguely familiar with SG-1, was handed a summary and asked to write the text for a promo.

Anyway, the show itself is h0tt in HD. "The Storm" is on tonight, and I can't wait to see each individual drop of water that hits Atlantis. You think I'm joking, but the quality is creepily good, to the point where you can tell when actors and actresses are having bad skin days. I am counting Zelenka's flyaway hairs as we speak.

They show Firefly too. It's equally awesome.

ahahahahaha, I love Rodney and Zelenka in this episode. I mean, I love them always, but they're double hilarious together in "The Storm."

I will perhaps edit with more observations later. XD

eta: Every time Carson says "wee babies," I die a little inside from HILARITY.

Someone needs to write the story that takes place between "38 Minutes" and "The Storm" where Rodney starts to see Zelenka as less of a random idiot and more of a potential second. I think it should involve them getting into a physical fight over something that they both tout as some sort of gruesome brawl, but is really nothing more than a slap fight.

Oh, John on the balcony at the grounding station, being given the runaround by Rodney. You're so whipped, John.

AHAHAAHAHAHAHA THE BACON GUYS. The commentary on this episode is HILARIOUS, especially the bit about these bacon guys and David Hewlett's exclamation of, "Now they will never have bacon!"

The utter disdain with which Rodney says, "It's a radio? The arrow points to the talk button." is amazingly ridiculously hilarious.

teevee, sga, superhero

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