it's getting to be that time...

Aug 23, 2007 16:31

...the time when Brendan and I officially try to kill each other after spending too much time together.

He's been pretty good about cleaning up after himself this week and I've been pretty chill about staying off his case. Today everything I've said to him has ended with him pissy. Stupid things like, "You might want to air the garage out before tomorrow when mom and dad get home" and "Just so you know, there are a bunch of empty beer cans lying on the porch." The big one came, though, when he told me he was taking "the teevee in the guestroom" to school with him. That is my teevee, and not only is it my teevee, it's a 32 inch teevee. He lives in a dorm room. We have a 20 inch teevee that will fit in a dorm room just fine, thank you very much.

So, yeah, now he's pissed at me. Which, hopefully he will soon realize is a bad idea considering I have been cooking, cleaning, and hiding his underage drinking and drug use all week.


I did do something awesome today, though. I was out looking at books and I found THE GREATEST THING EVER for four dollars:



And finally, this morning David Hewlett Twittered the following:
Me, Dr. Lee & Kavanagh! There's got to be a Stargate/Lone Gunmen spin-off in that!

This raises two questions. One: Why is David Hewlett the most ridiculous person alive? Seriously, is being ridiculous on the set his hobby? Like, JFlan reads the NYT and skateboards and David comes up with ridiculous nerdy cross over ideas and makes videos of himself rapping in his trailer?

Two: Who would be who? No, seriously. I kind of want Dr. Lee to be Byers and McKay to be Langley and Kavanagh to be Frohike, based on personalities. But at the same time, Kavanaugh is kind of a narc, and Byers, initally, was rejected by the other two (who are supernerds) for being a narc. Dr. Lee already plays WoW, it's not a leap to see him playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I'm sure Rodney did some table-top gaming in his youth.

I'm still tempted to go with my initial assessment, however.

F-list! What say ye?

boy child, david hewlett is awesome, dinosaurs, txf, teevee, sga

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