today i slept all day.

Aug 17, 2007 16:27

Apparently the secret to getting people to comment on your fic is to write in a fandom that's gigantic for a pairing that more than two people ship. WHO KNEW?* Um, but thanks to everyone who read my silly little story and hi to the new people? Um, no, seriously, I'm the lamest kid ever. Just. FYI.

* This does not, of course, mean I'm giving up Sam/Will or TWW or anything like that. I love them, and I'll keep writing until I run out of stories to tell which, considering I've told the story of Sam's election 32409823904802934823094 times, doesn't seem like it's going to happen any time soon.


Today I got up at God's time to drive my parents to the airport, then was in traffic forever going home. WTF ROUTE 78? THE TRAFFIC IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOING IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.

But that was... not fun. Especially because I only got a few hours of sleep before they left. I passed out until like, three once I got home. Good times.

Um, shala, did you call me? Because I kind of tossed the phone to the otherside of the room when it rang. I was pretty tired.

This is basically the most boring entry ever. I'm going to go watch Prince of Space on MonstersHD.

family stuff, writing: fic, fic

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