let's rewind

Jul 13, 2007 12:26

So, Wednesday afternoon I had a job interview in the city, which, in accordance with my life, ended up playing out like some kind of hilarious comedy of errors.

I was getting ready to get on the bus when I got a phone call. It was a woman from the company I was interviewing for. She wanted to know if she could push my interview back half an hour.

"And what address did they give you?"

I told her.

"Okay," she said, "That's the place for the copy editing test. I'd like to do this portion of the interview in the uptown office."

She gave me the address and I figured, okay, whatever, she wants me to run around town all day. Not like I care. So I went to the copy editing test and failed it spectacularly and then got back on the train to go uptown. I arrived at the other office about a minute early and the woman interviewing me walked out about thirty-seconds after I sat down. We did the usual handshake and pleasentries and then she took out a folder and frowned as I followed her into her office.

"Did you take the copy-editing test?" she asked. "Your scores are missing."

"Yeah," I said. "About ten minutes ago."

At which point, everything started to make sense. Apparently, people generally take the test one day and do the interview another day (which sound stupid as HELL to me, but whatev.) and she hadn't realized I was doing both the same day and felt like a heel for making me trek uptown, etc, etc, etc.

The interview portion went well, though, I think mostly because I have no desire to copy edit and don't want the job. Still, I'm glad I have interview experience now.


The interview wasn't far from Wicked and I got out just as Wicked was getting out. As most of you know, I went into a sort of self-imposed exile from January until I finished my thesis, so I hadn't seen or even called Seb since... November or December, I guess. I think we texted a few times in January. I thought I'd drop by and see if he was around and he totally was.

It was kind of adorable. There was a theatre camp there or something and he didn't see me when he came out, so I hung back and watched him sign eight million Playbills for five year old girls and answer questions like, "Do you and the witch get married at the end?" and "how come you didn't die?" and "Is she really green all the time?" I found it hilarious. And to make it even more funny, he kept not seeing me even though I was basically hovering at his elbow at one point.

Finally I said, "No, seriously, I'm just going to stand here until you notice me," and he turned around and did so, and completely refused to believe I had been there the whole time. Good times, people.

But, you know, it was the boring conversation of two people who hadn't seen each other in six months. "How's your family?" "When did you graduate?" "When's the wedding?" "What are your parents up to?" etc. I also met Stephanie socially for the first time and she is ADORABLE. I can tell I'm going to like him because she started hitting him when I pointed out he was the only one who was employed.

Anyway, it was nice. We walked to the subway and went our separate ways, but maybe we'll actually catch up for real sometime soon.


I headed downtown to see miseryloves_ who was waiting for me at a veggie/vegan restaurant on W. 4th. It was drizzling a little when I got onto the subway and raining a bit harder when I got to W. 4th. No worries, though. Emily was waiting by the restaurant and we went inside without getting too wet. It was a cute place, but kind of small. Not a lot of people there, though, so we got served right away and I drank like, six glasses of water. I seriously think I finished my first before the food came out.

Emily updated me on the goings on of the PSGA-elect. (Things I Am Glad I Don't Have To Deal With Anymore for $500, Alex.) I was properly appalled and told her about my interview and lame stories about my life, which mostly boiled down to, "I watch a lot of teevee."

The food was good! It was typical fake-meat-fare, but, you know, it tasted a little more like meat than some places. (Living at Purchase for four years has taught me to embrace fake meat, if nothing else.) I couldn't finish mine, but I had it for lunch yesterday so, score. I also drank sixteen more glasses of water. HYDRATE, KAITLYN YOU ARE GOING TO PASS OUT ONE OF THESE DAYS*.

But yeah, it was a good time. I miss being able to see my friends at the drop of a hat, you know? I sort of needled her into coming to visit because--hey! Central air! Pool! Good times!

Of course, because all of my LJ entries that are stories like this have to have lame foreshadowing, it started downpouring while we were eating. There was really no chance that it was going to let up, so we ended up making a run for the subway. My silk+canvas shoes that I got for $5 four years ago did not like this plan. I think they might still be damp. But yes. We got to the subway looking like drowned rats. I said goodbye to Emily at 14th Street and then took a bus home and changed out of my wet clothes because, seriously? Those buses have CRAZY air conditioning.

* I actually almost passed out at the Willowbrook Mall a few weeks ago. Good times.


Today I am going to buy some cake stuff and run some errands. Yesterday I hung out with my Aunt all afternoon and it was awesome.


emily is awesome, seb, job search

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