...your e-mails are hilarious.
Anyway, let's start this day off right by saying that ALL OF YOU FAIL AT LIFE for neglecting to inform me that JOSH MALINA guest starred on a late S10 episode of SG-1. JOSH MALINA AND BEN BROWDER and all those other people GUYS! HOW CAN THAT NOT BE HILARIOUS? I mean, I thought that Matthew Del Negro showing up on "Sunday" in SGA was hilarious, but this will be TEN TIMES BETTER OMG YES.
shala, of course, is exempt from this for pointing it out for me. For that, she has become my favourite and is given elevated friend-of status. The rest of you are being demoted. Please turn in your gold name placecards. They will be replaced by slightly less extravagent silver name placecards. If you wish to retain elevated friend-of status, please consult pages 127-132 of the
pocky_slash manual for details of suitable compensation.
In other news, I slept through my alarm this morning by like, two minutes, but... this is weird, I woke up because whatever I was dreaming shifted to include condoms, completely out of context. My brain realized there was something weird going on and I woke up, noted the time, and realized that it was time to make the doughnuts pro-choice legislation. So now I should actually, you know, go to work, I guess.
You can expect a detailed entry about SG-1 10x16 later tonight. It will contain much relevant information, such as, "Wow, Josh Malina is hot!"