"i'm glad we're talking budget when we haven't even written the script yet."

Mar 22, 2007 20:27

I am handling the loss of my iPod a lot better than I thought I would be. I was incredibly upset last night, but I'm feeling a bit better today, which is, you know, good.

I've been running around on about three hours of sleep all morning, but for once in my life I feel productive. I ironed out some issues with graduation and workshoped a story and went to class, where I met a candidate for hire in our department. It kind of sucks that they're just now hiring cool people for our program, but at least we got to meet the guy. He had us do a writing exercise about historical fiction which was kind of neat. He apparently researched his book, Sons of Heaven, for two years before writing it. Insane.

Anyway. Lunch and class and all sorts of things happened today. Over lunch, moonsheen and I discussed the production values of our yet-to-be-actually-written space opera. And decided that Jules is terribly allergic to cats, but Viatrix smuggled Aeschylus' cat onto the Castor for him, and the thing just loves to follow Jules around and torture him. Also, Evander is a dog person.

Tonight I'm teaching the Submission kids how to use InDesign, so I should probably get my ass over to the office and figure out a lesson plan/remind myself how to do things like start a new document, considering we work from a template, so I've only really done that once.

Wow, I totally have nothing at all to offer you guys tonight. Um, here's the article that accompanies that totally sweet picture of David Hasselhoff that I posted last night.

And, though I'm sure you've already heard about it, here's an article about Aaron Sorkin writing the book for the Flaming Lips musical.

layout nerd, school, castor and pollux, indy

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