Fanfiction - New Classic

Sep 28, 2010 15:50

Title: New Classic
Author: crazy_otaku911
Pairing: Takahashi Ryu X Yamamoto Ryouta
Rating: PG
Summary: Takahashi fits his suit like a dream. Yamamoto finds this highly unfair.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Vaguely implied things at the end?
A/N: Beta'd by shimizumiki
Written for tottchupi. ♥ And because Takahashi really does look pretty awesome in suits. :|

“Ne, Ryo-chan...” Eda eyed Yamamoto for a moment, circling. “Are you sure you're wearing the right jacket?”

“Of course I'm wearing the right jacket!” Yamamoto huffed, rather indignant. All outfits had been tagged for try-ons. He knew how to read his own name, hello.

“It's just kind of...” Hayashi offered, trailing off unhelpfully.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes, flicking the sleeves of his recycled suit (Eda vaguely wondered how many musicals these suits already seen before being handed off to THEY). He was already slightly cross about being told 'No, you cannot modify your outfit'.

It wasn't shiny enough.

It bothered him.

“It's fine,” He muttered.

“Mmm....These pants are too long.” Takahashi walked in, adjusting the bow-tie around his neck. “I need them adjusted...”

There was a long stretch of silence.

Yamamoto spluttered, staring.

Eda couldn't help but feel impressed, though he'd deny it. Takahashi looked as if he was made to wear the suit, all tall and graceful. Eda would even have used the word 'handsome' for Takahashi, the image only strengthened by the fact that he was standing next to Yamamoto, who looked odd with his bleached hair and over sized jacket almost falling down over his fingers.

Yamamoto was still staring.

Hayashi paused for a moment longer and then grabbed Eda by his collar. “You're coming with me.” He announced before bodily removing Eda from the room, leaving Takahashi alone with Yamamoto.

Eda wasn't sure that was a smart idea...but the door had already shut.

Takahashi looked perplexed, unnerved by Yamamoto's silence (he was never silent!) and his intense staring (he was never still enough to do that either). “Uhm.....Is there something wrong?”

Yamamoto's hands shot out and Takahashi found himself yanked forward, Yamamoto complaining that he 'wasn't allowed to look like a prince' before the blond pulled him down for a demanding kiss.

Within the next ten minutes Takahashi leaned that Yamamoto was a really good kisser, shirt buttons popped off way too easily when you yanked, Yamamoto occasionally went commando, and his pants were probably going to need more repairs then just taken up.

A/N: Just a quick little silly drabble. ♥ Idk, I like it. 8D;; It has been observed that outside of his cockroach outfit and the street-fashion outfits, YamaRyo usually looks like his outfit is too big for him. 8D Oh my.

#drabble, c: takahashi ryu, r: pg, !fanfiction, c: yamamoto ryouta

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