Today is Gwen Day!

Nov 07, 2010 09:53

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gwen day!

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an au ficlet in which gwen makes ianto take a nap, part two pocky_slash November 9 2010, 01:48:04 UTC
"It's been... hard," he said, looking away. "With Jack."

"Jack's keeping you up?" Gwen asked, frowning. Of course, it immediately occurred to her what he meant and she felt her cheeks heat up. "I mean--well, that's--"

"No!" Ianto said quickly, looking back at her, alarmed. "No. I mean--I mean, we have. We are. Um." It was Ianto's turn to blush. "But that's not--it's not the sex. It's just... the night before last, it was the anxiety. If he'd like me. If I had it in me to be in a relationship with someone. If it would be different with a man if there was something that I didn't know--something that I'd fuck up right off the bat. And then last night... sleeping with someone... it's hard. I mean, not with you because... you're you. But with Jack I just didn't know how--"

"You want him to like you," Gwen surmised. "You don't want to steal all the covers or kick him in the middle of the night or cuddle too much or not enough...."

"Exactly," Ianto said. "That's... yes. And... well, it's not like I sleep much to begin with." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "And then he woke up for work, so I got up too and when I got to work, Dr. Sato had me start on a project and, well, I just haven't had the time."

"You need to make it," Gwen said, reaching out to try and brush his hair into some form of order. He looked down, but didn't pull away from her fingers as they combed through his hair. "Go sit on the couch. Go on then." He looked up at her, frowning, but he didn't argue. Gwen unplugged her laptop and carried it with her into the living room. She sat on the far end of the couch and pulled one of the end tables around so she could place her computer on top of it. Then she patted her thighs.

"Head down here, sweetheart," she said. He only hesitated briefly before curling up on the couch and putting his head on her lap. She rested a hand in his hair, stroking gently, and let her eyes return to the spreadsheet on her computer.

"Putting some money in for baby furniture," she said. "I was thinking maybe we could go next week, after the sonogram. Unless you think that's too much baby for one day, of course."

"No, s'fine," Ianto murmured.

"And we should have Jack over for dinner again, now that you're dating," she continued, keeping her voice quiet and even as she scratched gently at his scalp. He made a quiet noise of dissent and she rolled her eyes. "I know, I know, you're taking it slow. But you like him and I like him and he certainly likes you, and even if you don't keep dating him, he's in our lives now."

"He'd like that."

"I know," she said. "We'll do takeaway from that Thai place you like. Tonight I was thinking pizza. There's a place nearby that delivers and isn't half bad. But we'll put it off a bit, yeah? Let you get some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow. I'm about due another baby name breakdown and you need to be on your game for that. Girls' names are just so difficult. Mary's fine for Mum, but it's a bit plain these days, and I'm certainly not naming any child of mine after Brenda, so there's a bit more searching involved. Nothing built in."

Ianto didn't reply, not even to murmur his vague agreement, and Gwen smiled. She didn't stop stroking his hair, but she returned her attention to her budget. If Ianto did the wash, that was one less thing for her to worry about. She could afford to spend some time just sitting and unwinding and taking care of Ianto until her stomach started to demand attention. He spent far too much time going out of his way to take care of her. She liked to return the favor when she could.


Re: an au ficlet in which gwen makes ianto take a nap, part two rexluscus November 9 2010, 02:45:06 UTC
This AU is relevant to my interests and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Re: an au ficlet in which gwen makes ianto take a nap, part two pocky_slash November 9 2010, 03:49:01 UTC
I might one day actually finish (some) of it and be persuaded to post it. It's one of those epic, sprawling things that I have plotted out until the twins are roughly four years old. Because I am crazy.


Re: an au ficlet in which gwen makes ianto take a nap, part two lizzledpink November 9 2010, 03:32:37 UTC
So in other words this AU is just a whole mess of h/c and adorable besties-ness? Why don't we see more of this? <3 Lucky solstice :P


Re: an au ficlet in which gwen makes ianto take a nap, part two pocky_slash November 9 2010, 03:52:54 UTC
There's just a lot of crazy backstory and most of it doesn't stand alone as well as this does! And maybe I will finish it one day! maybe!


Re: an au ficlet in which gwen makes ianto take a nap, part two lizzledpink November 9 2010, 04:03:38 UTC
Well, let me know if/when you do! It sounds like another of those things that hits all my favorite buttons. :) (As in, YOUR FIC WINS, AGAIN!)


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