Yeeee! I'm so happy I finished my Ravenclaw scarf on time!
I had been sweating it because not only have I been procrastinating in everything lately, but also I've started more projects
1) Ravenclaw Scarf before the premiere 2)Something else for someone else before some time and 3) pretty green baby blanket for a friend before January, but realistically that kid's going to have to hold out another month or so. I can try to ask her to duck tape her- no I don't think that's going to happen. than I can finish. I'm also excited because this is the first knitted project that I can keep. Oh and I got this really great idea for all the left over yarn that isn't quite enough to make anything, but too much to throw away. I'm going to start knitting the 4x4 gauge swatches with all the left overs until I have enough to sew them together and make a hideously mix-matched great throw.
I was reading my friend's entry about all the new Harry Potter items on
The Noble Website, and of course I started listing to myself all the items I want. I really wish I could afford to get nerdishly "Ravenclawed out" for the midnight showing. I suppose there's not really much more I could wear except maybe the school uniform.
I really like the tie, but seeing as how I've already got a scarf having necktie under that would be overkill. I have
Sirius Black's wand and could bring that, but it would just end up shoved in my bag until we're in the theater, and once the movie starts it would return to the bag. Not to mention we lucked out this year and the theater has assigned seating (woo Roxy for finding that out), so we won't have to wait for hours in a long line. I'll admit I liked waiting in the line though, it felt cool waiting with a community of people that you knew for a fact you had something in common with. I think that would have been a bit more incentive to bring the wand. Oh well.
What do you think: wand or no wand?