Resolution ReCap #3

Apr 02, 2013 23:10

This'll be a quick resolution recap, I didn't do very much of anything I planned to do in March. I did do a whole lot of other things.

I didn't get my Etsy shop open; Eric has been really busy working with the skateboard company Shredder's Lair. I have started finally making a few pair of earrings, but I'm going to hold off on the Etsy shop for awhile. I'll explain more on that in a later post because it deserves it's own post.

Still no news on my car, don't ask.

I have started organizing photos, and taking a whole lot more. I know it's going til at least May before I can start working on a website for my photos, but until then I've been keeping busy with the Yarn Crawl photos. I've gone to four different shops so far. Below are photos from each shop, click the photo for a link to each shop's set. Some of the owners have asked me to come back and take more, which always feels good. I said I'd trade for yarn (especially from Twist, the hand dyes are UH MAY ZING). It's been a bit stressful because I'm taking more time to edit the photos, which is still kind of guess work.

I did attempt to go to the dentist, but got stuck in traffic and won't have a free day off until May. Total bummer there amirite?

As for the roof, I finally have some good news! One of my dad's tenants used to be a roofer. He knows his shit and said he'd do the roof for the price of the materials. YAY. So that'll hopefully happen by the end of the month. FUCKING FINALLY.

Also, not that this is particularly resolution related, but an author friend Helen Stringer has been working on a book trailer for her newest book Paradigm. She sent me a draft of the book and I've really been enjoying reading it. Last month I sat in on the auditions for the trailer, which was a very interesting new experience. I learned a lot about headshot and what producers/directors tend to look for. Even though I don't do headshots, it was still good to learn. This weekend she's going to be using one of my apartments to shoot in and she's letting me photograph behind the scenes. I've been looking forward to this for awhile.

Another fun thing is my uncle is opening a bar in Atwater called The Village Tavern and, for the time, I'm sort of in charge of the social media; mostly I'll be tweeting and working the facebook page. So that should be fun. Again, more on that in a later post.

Resolutions For April:

-More art shows.

-Get my tattoo. Eric gave me a gift certificate for our favorite local tattoo shop (today's my birthday by the way), and I'll hopefully be getting my next tattoo by the end of this month.

-This one will be a little ominous: Work on The Donation Project.

Yarn Photos

Needle in a Haystack -Montrose, Ca

The Little Knittery -Atwater Village, Ca

Twist: Yarns of Intrigue -Manhattan Beach, Ca

Unwind Knitting for your Body and Mind -Burbank, Ca

eric, nerd!, art shows, resolution recap 2013, photography, knitting, critique me, portraits, my future living space, name dropping, bragging rights, tattoos, artsy fartsy me, resolutions, yay me for getting stuff done

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