Oct 22, 2007 08:47
I went in Friday to open a new account with a bank closer to my apartment. He went to check my credit and asked if I'd let any of my accounts go negative. I don't know how much information he could actually see... but he said it looks like someone may be using my social and messing with my credit. Of course, we won't know what's really going on for 10-15 days, when my credit report arrives... but the not knowing is really making me feel sick. Not knowing how bad its looking... not knowing how much damage was done. I'm pretty stressed over it. Maybe its nothing, but I can't help but fear for the worst. Mom said she knows someone on our street who's social security number is used every year by someone in Las Vegas and nothing can be done about it. Almost yearly, she has to call the social security department and tell them it wasn't her working that job. Knowing stuff like that happens is sickening. I know my credit was good as of last year... they said my credit was fine when I went to buy my car but my income didn't look like I could support paying for a car, so I had to have dad co-sign. Pretty much, this made me feel down all weekend.
Friday and Saturday were spent working on Dawn's corset. It's done. Thank god. We rented Transformers on Saturday. I enjoyed the movie. It was really fun.
Since James' birthday is today, we went to lunch yesterday. James and myself have never really gotten along. I think he set some standard that he expects the eldest sibling to live by and I just don't meet it. He always seems to be critical of me. Out of the blue, after lunch, he randomly tells me that I'm looking chunky and points at my stomach. True or not, that was SO hurtful. There are only so many hours in the evening, during the week. I don't see why I can't spend them how I want. Why can't I enjoy my free time, why do I have to spend it at the gym? I'd be one thing if I was constantly whining about my weight and not doing anything about it... but I really don't have a problem with it other than my tummy not making me want to wear a costume that I probably wouldn't want to wear even if it was flat. I've always had a tummy, so its not like its a recent thing. I dunno... its just one of those things. It bothers me that its none of his business and its not like I'm 500 lbs or anything. He used to say things about my weight back when I was like 115 lbs. Sure, I wasn't super model skinny and wearing size 0 pants, but come on now.
I'm sounding pretty emo right now, I apologize.
I pulled my serger out of the box this morning. I hope to use it to finish my steampunk pants and get a good start on the blouse. I plan to order the corset kit to go with the corset pattern I bought and hopefully that will come in soon enough for me to work on before Nebraskon. I hope I make some decent progress so I have something fun to share tomorrow.
identity theft,