Oct 05, 2007 21:39
My relationship with my Mac's updates is one of love and hate. I FINALLY feel like I'm not constantly fighting the software instead of it helping me. I installed my new operating system and new Adobe software. My big hate for the updates? Apparently in one of the gazillion system update patches I downloaded, they decided that there needed to be a delay on the eject cd tray button. What does this mean? Rather than taping the button on the Mac keyboard, you have to hold it down for like 2-3 seconds. This doesn't sound so bad until you actually have to do it when you've been so used to a system that goes like this: tap button, grab cd to insert, toss into the tray, and tap the button again to close. Instead it's more like: tap the button, turn to grab disk, realize the tray didn't open, press button, watch tray open and then grab disk. I don't know if they added this for flaky people who had last minute thoughts about ejecting cds or what. I find myself leaving the tray open more often because I forget to hold down the button after removing the disk and turning to place the cd in its home... I don't realize it didn't shut. (And let it be known... I lost 10-15 minutes after installing the updates to the Operating System, trying to figure out why I couldn't open my cd tray, so I could insert the disks to install the new adobe software. It took a few searches online to find the answer to my problem.)
The new Adobe software? God, it's nice to have programs that do their job. Photoshop refused to recognize the software I had that managed my fonts. So it thought ALL fonts were open. Photoshop could only list so many fonts... so if I needed to actually put some text into an image and the font name I needed started with something that wasn't between A & C, I was pretty much screwed. Now it works. Our old version of Illustrator was total crap. Our company uses printers that require Pantone colors. Basically, Pantone colors ensure that all printers are able to produce the same color. Reflex blue will always be reflex blue. It won't be 50% cyan + 20% yellow on one machine and then 40% cyan and 30% yellow on another. The library for these colors was totally MIA in the copy of Illustrator I had installed in my machine (I blame it getting lost among the dozen upgrade copies it was working from... using upgrades from 7 to 10, I think some things got lost). Now I have reason to use Illustrator. No longer do I have to find magical ways to work around all these darn issues.
And now I shall rant about one of my co-workers. Cheri. She's an oldish woman (or at least has the grouchy, old grandma thing down). She occasionally turns to me for help with her PC. She ASSUMES that since I'm young, that I should know how to deal with her computer issues. I have never made a claim to knowing how to fix a computer. My Mac at work runs well because I installed everything, I know where everything is and since I'm the only one using it, I know everything that's been done to it. I don't know her system. I don't know her software (they use some ancient accounting software). So today, she flagged me down (while I was trying to install my new software, which by the way took me from shortly after 8:00am until 11:05am to install) and asked me why she was getting an error that said the shortcut couldn't find the software. I said "Probably the program it's looking for got moved." To where she got defensive and said it was working last night and she hadn't moved anything. How should I know? I don't sit beside her when she works.
A bit later her and Randy got in a conversation about why she was having a rough day. I didn't hear everything she said, I'm sure she referred to me as "that one" with indication in my cube's direction (from what I could tell from out of the corner of my eye) and followed it up with a bitter, grouchy comment that I couldn't quite here. I freakin' gave the only logical answer I could think of. I'm not a computer tech. It sucks to have computer issues, but I'm to the point where next time she asks for my help, I'm going to look at her and say "I'm sorry, I'm not a computer tech and you don't appreciate the little bit of help I've tried to offer." And for the record, Mike pretty much said the same thing I did... he said the shortcut needed to be pointed back at the application but it wouldn't let him, so they had to call in their pc tech, anyway. I don't see her getting pissy at him. I should have said something when she made that comment, I'm sure she assumed my headphones were on... but instead, I let it seethe in me all day. I shouldn't let it bother me but it did. I should know better... she's the type to find something to complain about in everything. If you do something nice for her, she'll still find a way to complain about it. If you brought her cookies, she'd find something to say (though not to your face)like "(the giver) should have brought them yesterday" or that "(the giver) should have made sugar cookies instead of chocolate chip" not "That was very thoughtful of (the giver)". It's tough to deal with her. She goes out of her way to do nice things for people but gosh she complains about EVERYTHING.