Sep 11, 2006 00:23
what is it about the gorey, the shocking, the...well the unappealing that APPEALS to certain people.
it's interesting how someone can look at a flower, a tree or a wind gust and say "that's beautiful"
it's interesting how someone can look at a watertower, a crumbling building or a bridge and say "that's beautiful"
it's interesting how someone can look at a baby, a pregnant woman or an old man and say " that's beautiful"
it's interesting how someone can look at all that and see nothing
it's interesting how someone can look at all that and say "that's beautiful" but not know the meaning. just know it's what the others say so they should too.
i look at the lights outside my window and am forever drawn to their beauty, their shine...."the lights are so pretty"
while you may look at them and see nothing.
you may see a orchid and be drawn to it by it's color and smell.
to me a flowers a flower. pretty fragile but not my object of affection.
i kno i kno, "diversity"
i just find it interesting. an observation.
i've been completely lost in my own thoughts as of late and observing. u can tell a lot about a person by what they find beautiful. i love it. how such a small comment can give so much away. a small fascination. a small observation.
i feel a little lost again. not quite sure of my own identity. a blind contour is there. heavy, thick lines that no matter the pile of shit layed atop, those lines will stay visible. the finer details and colors seem to blur and change often. like pastels on a paper that's moved around a lot. i wish i could see through the layers and see what color is truely beneath or atop.
i see people who are more lost than i. i see people who seem to be painting themselves in acrylics and oils. i see people who dont bother to even stop and look at their own image.
i see my role models, my worst fears.
i feel my degredation, my self pride.
school has picked me up in a whirlwind where i dont worry so much about these things. i observe and i collect and i look everything over when given the chance. it's a disorganized collage im in no hurry to put any glue to. we're still so young.
we're still so immature. we're still so lost.
im tired. sleep time.