
Aug 30, 2003 00:48

wow i dunno so many new things have happened to me...well the last time i wrote here was like the 16th at night and now its like the 29th at night. well on the 17th,which was a sunday, victor and i went out. at first it was just like "u wanna go out and chill", it was no real thing,but i mean we went to this cute little lollicup place in monterey park (i was born there by the way, the monterey park hospital) where tehy sell awesome smoothies. we stayed there for like 1 hr or so just talking. i was sooo like =-/ cuz i mean the day before sucked and i was just soo confused, cuz nestor had told me all this liking me stuff. well he was a little tired too and it was a little weird but i mean it was kool. he then said something about him going to thiese one canyons over there around hollywood n stuff, around sunset blvd. wel hes like "u wanna go?" and i said yea. it was alrady like 10ish or 11ish and we drove from monterey park to the canyons and it was beautiful...like u looked down and saw all the city lights. the nicest ever!!!!!!! well i wanted him to stop and like just spend quallity time together outdoors but he didnt and i didnt tell him cuz i needed to go to the restroom too. well he drove around the canyons for abot 30 minutes i believe...and i was holding this really cute adorable little monkey he has in his back seat. hehehe. nice stuff. its really nice up there too. there are like these awesome big residences over there, and this guy was driving all fast haha and whats even funnier is that well he was driving all fast but holdign my hand at the same time. he is literally like the best driver i know (drives stick shift too). well once we decided to start on our way home i said i needed to go the restroom and we stopped at this 76 gas station where i went into the restroom and well he bought some eclipse gum cuz he felt bad just using the restroom without buying anything. hehehe. well we drove home and well we got off the car and did the usual kiss (they get longer and cuter each day too), hug, goodnite thing. ok well yea that was sunday. the week went by and like usual we did talk online....then came thursday. we were online for a while just talking and he then said "hey u wanna go chill and go watch a movie or something" and well we did. we went to the AMC theaters in norwalk n we saw "open range", not the best movie ever, or hey maybe its just because i wasnt able to see it all completely ;-) good stuff....its sooooooo cute cuz we are soooo confortable with each otehr. i mean this guy takes his shoes off around me...thats cuuuuuuute!!!!!!! its funy cuz he told me hes really ticklish in his feet yet he still does that knowing that ill tickle his cute feet. hehehe. well yea when we go to the movies we just cuddle around each oter and he usually gives me the best best best best massages ever....aaaawwww!!!!! well then came friday and i didnt talk to him that day but i still had a good time with the friends. we left our houses like around 2ish where we began on our loooooooong way to this one store in riverside where nidia and jennifer wanted to buy or look at some spell stuff...those crazy gurls!! thats awesome stuff tho!!!!!!!!!! =D the ride there took forever!!!! man being in a car without AC for taht long in a HOT sumer day gets me sooooooo sleepy, drowsy, n i duno all down!! well we got off the car to go to that one store but they didnt open it again til liek 4 cuz they were on their lunch break so we went into this aawesome antique store. hahah there was this HUGE wood chair outside it too. it was the biggest chair ever. it was a chair but im sure it wasnt made for someone to actually sit on...wowsers, well yea there was some cute stuff in that store. there was also this realy kool little rocking sofa but i mean it was awesome...i would love to use it for a whole different purpose, *wink wink*...well yea we did end up going to that spell whatever witch store, where jennifer bought some little aquarious stuff and this one book i think, forgot what but yea, and nidia bougt some dream book taht was pretty expensive. well we were al pretty hungry so we went to farmerboys..man awesome hamburgers...thats the good stuff....we stopped at the one in ontario i think, it smells nasty over tere, but the hamburgers are soooo good!!! wow yummy! it was soooo funny too...i was choking on my food...edna edna edna...man ur sooooo funny!!!!!! (i know u read this so yea hey hahaha) me gonna miss u! hehe. well yea good times!!!! never gonna forget that day!! well right after that we were supposed to go to an adult porn store in hollywood but then jennifer said that she agreed on picking andrew up at 730 and so we did. well after that we agreed on just taking the freeway to hollywood just using the thomas guide, but wel we or they wahtever were confused so we decided on calling mr handsome after getting off the freeway, realizng that it would be better if we had real direction on ohw to get there. well i called him on a pay phone from a corner on atlantic and washington, and he said to either take the 5 to the 710 to the 101, or just take the 710 to the 101...man that guy knows everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe. well we got there, drove around cuz we didntknow where we were going until we finally found a parking somewhere. i thnk we walked down vine and hollywood or vine and sunset. well we were walking and reading the names on those stars. well asa we walked i saw a store with the name "le sex shoppe", so we ended up going there and on the way there some lady at some museum told us that they were giving free tours or whatever....i was anxious to go into the store already.lol. well yea i was weirded out at first but they finally pushed me in so yea we went in! lol man such great variety...i had trouble choosing which one (vibrator) i wanted...oh yea btw the reason why we went was because of me....man what great friends i have...meluvs em. hehe...man i love it...the toy...it has 5 different speeds!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome...it has like one constant speed at the first push, then the other four are like 4 different pulsing rythms...its great!!!!!! hahahhaha...well yea GREAT toy...GREAT GREAT GREAT AWESOME TOY...well after that we drove back to bell garedns to drop nidia off at her house cuz she couldnt go since it was already like 9 or 10. edna (yea u...lol) wasnt gonna go either, but luckily she did!!! woo hoo!!! well we went to edwards right here in south gate and decided to see the showing at 11pm for freddy vs jason. since it was onlylike 10 at the time we still went to burger king so andrew could get himself some food since he was hungry and then after that we just went to starbucksand stayed tere til like 10:45. well we got into the theater and we were forced to finish our drinks cuz that lady at the door was a b*** so we werent alowed to take our drinks inside. the movie was nice, now that is, at the time i was sooooo freaked out, now i dont see why, and edna scratching me didnt help much either...hehehehe good times =D hahahaha oohhh yea andew trying to hug edna was some funny stuff too....well movie ended we walkd to the car, i opened my toy so the little plastic thing that was covering it could be thrown aawy to hide all evidence. well ohhh yea andrew sold me a condom....haha either keep it for myself or give it to a friend...well see ;-) wel edna was then drpped off and when jennifer went to go drop andrew off at home he wouldnt leave and it was getting late!! it was like 2 already and i needed to get hom!!!! he just ket on talking....i mean yea it was nice but late too....well now its like 2am so......to be continued....hehehehe
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