(no subject)

Jun 21, 2007 01:34

I practically have a god-damn aneurysm when i look at these advertisements. It's a stepwise aneurysm. And it goes a little something like this. First, i get incredibly angry. Why? Well, these ads portray that streak of human nature that really gets to me - apathy. And I'm not getting all self-righteous here, i know i suffer bouts of apathy, as does everyone, and it leaves me feeling like a shitty cocktail made of uselessness, disappointment and a twist of turd. But these ad ooze that sickening odour of the worst sort of apathy - fashionable, un-compassionate, cool, dumb-ass apathy, or f.u.c.d. apathy, if you want to compound it. Anyway, f.u.c.d apathy is that sexy state of mind where you rise about the alarms and the qualms of the common plod, and along the way, realise nothing else matters but numero uno and let all else fall by the wayside. It's represented in ads like the above and it's formally encapsulated in statements like those made by the US EPA in 2002 that stated the "potential benefits [of global warming] could include extended seasons for construction and warm weather recreation, and reduced heating requirements and cold weather morality." In other words, if f.u.c.d. apathy were a PigLatin college, it's crest would read 'uckfay hetay orldway & et'slay etgay ighhay.' Furthermore, the trivialisation of the issue, and the racial issues of the ad - the white, affluent survive, the others...? meh! - usually leave me staring agog. God. You've gotta love moral outrage. And while you are, you've got to love the representation of women in the ad. Rising seas pale in comparison to tan lines, but of course for todays sassy, skinny lady. And don't tell me there's no Freudian shit going on with the spurting water and the straddling of the giant palm tree.

But, I'm being extremist, cliche, leftist, blah, blah, blah, and worst of all, i don't have a sense of humour when it comes to this stuff. And it's fashion, what the fuck do i expect? Around now is when the second part of my reaction kicks in. The ads - well, they are sort of good because it means that the issue of Global Warming has entered into the popular imagination (if advertisers can sell it, people will buy it), and this will no doubt lead to greater awareness, which will then lead people to do more about it. And - it's irony. It's designed as a joke. The idea that the only affect of Global Warming will be raised seas and warmer weather is ignorant to say the least, but to assume that we'd survive it on our speed boats and yachts is either a hilarious satirical piece of clever marketing or the result of a extremely misinformed, irresponsible advertising company. And given the company that makes this, who love to toe the 'controversy' line, you have to suspect the former, and realise that most of all, it's greatest intention is to evoke a response, and to shift the units, and thus make it a successful campaign. Which is just as fucking disgusting as anything else i've previously mentioned.

So, I'm left with a hint of rage left in my blood, my cynicism keeps telling rage that by talking about it, you've just empowered the piece, and then my rage calls my cynicism a fucking sellout. I think this feeling is called "castration"

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