The Mendeleev Legacy: 1-3

Jul 08, 2009 21:19

Features Sims by: simmericangirl  and

We start this update with Mercury doing what Knowledge Sims do best, skill.

And with Rocko looking hott with his guitar.

And Reese Rose who stayed in the hot tub for two days (in the snow) then complained that we didn't let her sleep.

Since Iodine is heir, I decided to send her Downtown to meet more Sims that can help with her LTW.

Iodine: I'm going to be a witch soon and will be able to do all kinds of magic.

I still needed to fulfill her wish of the day, so I got her a first date with some teen downtownie.

First Kiss!!! Aww.

Then she gossiped about how her brother had crappy birthday party. I guess she doesn't realize that the party was for her too since they happen to be twins...

Malachai: I can't believe I got beat up by an alien with pink hair.
He needs to get over that soon.

That is quite inappropriate...

Rocko: Remember when we met Downtown and you told me you were good with your mouth?
Mercury: Uh huh.

Rocko: You sure look good in that new Simtoria's Secret bra!
Mercury: ROCKO!

Mercury: What did I say about checking out my bust at the table?!

Gardening in the snow, yes a little odd, but it'll be Spring soon.

See, it's Spring! :D

Potassium: Please change your mind Ms.Witch! I really want to fly!

Rocko's in the zoooone!!!

Mercury: My husband is so hott with a guitar. I must dance badly and watch him!

Mercury: I know you're going to be having a lot of WooHoo soon, and you may get bored, so have you thought about role playing or bondage.
Iodine: MOM!

Mercury: What?! I just want you to be prepared.
Iodine: I haven't even met anyone to do that with yet.

Mercury: Okay, well if you ever need any tips to improve your WooHoo life, I'm always here.
Iodine: *is horrified by this conversation*

BowlingShirtLady: I would never do bondage. What if the person is a psycho and leaves you tied up for days!
Iodine: Uhh...

Another hobby plaque!!!

K-Pax that is innapropriate contact with a minor!

Finally! Better late than never though. If only she would stop missing the carpool.

These two are still super close and cute.

Iodine got her gold gardening badge really fast.

Then got into the zone soon after. I'm now up to 4 of 10 hobby plaques.

They decided to break in the hot tub during a thunderstorm, smart.

You again?!

Burglar: Damn this conveniently hidden alarm!
Officer: Are you done feeling like an idiot so I can arrest you now?

Officer: I don't get why you insist on hitting the same house all the time.
Burglar: It's the only one in the neighborhood.

She's too cute catching fireflies.

Um, those are not fireflies...

Rocko threw a little party since it was his day off. Notice Judy and Malachai come from opposite sides.

Judy was too preoccupied to beat him up again.

Iodine went for a hike and got the pop up that she was attacked by bees. The bees never came until she had already gone into the house and eaten. Then they chased her all around the kitchen.

The teen days were almost over and I forget to invite the witch back over to change them.

Iodine: I'm a witch now! Yay magic!

Witch: Do I have to change the freakishly nice one too?

Potassium: It tickles! *giggle*
Witch: This is so embarassing.

Witch: I need to go soak in the hot tub.

He looks like an evil bunny. LoL

Potassium: Good morning my precious little ants.

Potassium: Don't get into any trouble today!

Mercury got old and desperately needed a make-over.

Much better!

Iodine flew off to another day of Downtownie WooHoo partner hunting.

Two things weird with this picture. One, Iodine is hitting on the creepy goth kid. Two, CLONES!

Oh gosh, there's two of him too.

Iodine: Do I have to date this weirdo?

Her face glitched like that for awhile.

SleezyDowntownie: I'm totally dizzy from spinning for 4 hours, but at least I got fit!

Rocko got old too, and still looks good to me.

Iodine: Time to try out TS3.

Iodine: Wow, it loads so fast! The scenery looks great! OMG CASt rules!

Iodine: Ahh! I hate that processing screen! I hadn't saved in like an hour!

Iodine: I can't believe I spent $50 on this game.

They're always in there now.

Rocko: Good morning Sunshine!
Mercury: Good morning! I'm just leaving you these roses as a surprise!

One last simultaneous birthday.

All because he didn't go to college. I'm glad Iodine is the heir...

Poor Potassium. Not only did he have a complete breakdown, but he clucked like a chicken in front of his boyfriend.

Luckily Malachai was there to make it all better though.

Iodine also had a special birthday guest over, but you'll meet her next time. :)

pixel_trade, legacy: mendeleev

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