The Mendeleev Legacy: 1-2

Jul 06, 2009 18:18

Features Sims by: simmericangirl 
stakeit_uk  and

Babies are boring, so it's time for toddlerfication!

Potassium is cuuute!!! He looks a lot like his mommy and got her elf ears!

AAWW!!! Iodine is super adorable even though she didn't get the ears!

I am seriously cursed. I can't have a birthday without a burglar showing up.

Burglar: Maybe I should run as soon as the alarm goes off instead of standing around and getting arrested.


They are just too cute!!!

Iodine: Gah?

Meanwhile, Mercury maxes her Logic skill and gets into the zone. Which means the first hobby plaque of the challenge!

Mercury: How am I suppose to give my son his bottle, when this stupid table is eating my legs?!

She's the Tinkering hobby leader...I could understand dance maybe, but

His name is Fluffy!!! That is the perfect name for that dog. Too bad I'm not getting the family any pets.

Mercury: Listen burglar, you can't make us your one phone call. The entire family wants to see you dead!

Autonomous huggle! And the house is full of people, because it's a birthday party!

Simultaneous levitation is super creepy.

Aw, smile it's your birthday!

That's better! She is too cute.

Potassium is adorable too! Mercury's genes sure are dominant. :)

Malachai: That's not even her real hair.
Marjory: OMG, no way!
Malachai: It's true, I pulled it!

Judy: What is he doing here?!

The party totally failed. No surpr

Iodine: You smell like old people and dragon scales!
Witch: Silly girl, that's not dragon scales, it's newt's eye. You have a lot to learn before I'll teach you of the path of darkness.

Malachai: Do you like my guyliner?
Honesty: Uh...what?

Malachai is practically part of the family. He always drops by or comes home with Mercury from work.

YES! Thank you, Gypsy!

Rocko: We really need to remodel the house, so I wish for money!

Rocko: Woah, that almost hit me!

Mercury: My husband and I are both secondary Fortune Sims, so I wish for more money please!

Iodine: That weird lady is getting cereal in my hair!

Juliette: Sorry kid. *nom* *nom*

I built them a new house! I haven't done anything with the yard yet. I'm thinking of putting in a garden since Iodine's hobby is Nature, and maybe a pond.

Downstairs. It's not fully furnished yet.

Upstairs. It'll be filled in eventually.

Mercury: So is there a whole army of evil witches that wish to cause destruction to the world?

Mercury and Rocko haven't been on a date since the day they met...

AHH!!! I knew I should have kept someone awake for the next few days.

Iodine: Boo! You suck lady!

Mercury slept through the whole thing. If this was TS3, she'd have the heavy sleeper trait.

Sorry, that was just too cute. :)

Yay, Rocko! Too bad that wasn't your LTW, but good job anyway!

As a reward, I got him a guitar to work on his OTH.

Mercury: Once we become witches, we can fly around anywhere we want!

Potassium: One of us has to move out soon though. That's gonna suck.

Potassium: Hello ants! Look at you all be cute and crawly!

Potassium: Oh no, the claw is gonna get you! Run!!

Potassium: I'm just kidding! Have a nice day.

Penguin: What kind of word is spatula?! Sims are so stupid and good for nothing.

Potassium: Hi, little pengiun. *pets*
Penguin: Oh that feels nice!
Snowman: Hypocrite.

Rocko rules!!!

One last look at Iodine and Potassium as kids, cuz it is now their birthday!

Still cute!

This was the point Iodine became heir. Conflicting personality and totally gorgeous and adorable!

Iodine: Do I get to be a witch now?
Witch: Oh please, you are still not worthy of my teachings.

ACR made Iodine Bi, which is perfect for her LTW. Since it was a snow day I had her try to meet potential WooHoos.
Iodine: You'd be much more attractive if you were fat like a sumo wrestler.

Potassium: Are you the leader of an organization to destroy our world?
Witch: What is with you kids?

He sat there and stared for about 2 hours, then got up and heart-farted about her to someone else. It was weird.

Potassium: I know I'm not heir, but I still want to be a witch.
Witch: Listen kid, being an evil witch isn't all daisies and kittens. You have too many nice points to be evil.

Potassium: But I only have 10.
Witch: 10! You'll never be able to join the forces of evil!

Marjory: That is one hott piece of jailbait!

Potassium: I get to talk to that hott guy? Score!

Potassium: Malachai is so hott.

I'm surprised Malachai and Judy were able to sit at the table together without killing each other.

Malachai: *hits on underage boy*
Judy: *resisting urge to kill*

Malachai: I like your style, kid. Very sexy.

That's when I noticed that they had matching outfits! They are so meant to be, and ACR agrees. :)

pixel_trade, legacy: mendeleev

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