Nov 13, 2003 20:23
Okay, maybe I'm a bad teacher.....but I just got this new kid on Friday....and I WANT HIM OUT!!!!!! It's not his fault....I know that, but I don't care! He's had a hard life so far.....I know that, but I don't care!
Joey is barely kindergarten level academically and behaviorally, and he's in first grade. He's disruptive, immature, loud, hyper, makes weird noises, doesn't follow rules or directions, can't do the work, needs one-on-one help, and has completely ruined my classroom!
He takes all the attention from the other students by causing me to stop what I am doing to yell, yes yell, at him. I can't stand him. And if that makes me a bad teacher then so be it....I can't stand him in my room. Phooey!!!
Yes, he's getting help.....I got the notice I was getting him on Thursday afternoon for Friday and was told to immediately put in a note to the psychololgist and for an SST meeting to see if he qualifies for Resource. He'd been in the district earlier in a Special Day Pre-School program, then moved to Los Angeles, where he did not qualify for special education or resources. So, don't even get me started on the LA school district.
So, he spent kindergarten and part of first grade, I assume--unless he never went--being neglected because of his behavior. His mom wrote me this sob story note saying she didn't think he wasn't going to make it my class because he needs one-on-one care, and my letter home lays down the "law" about what I expect in class.
Well, this was on Monday and after Friday I was inclinded to agree with the mom. I wanted him out by Friday afternoon. OUT OUT OUT! GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!! She told me how he'd been pushed aside by his teachers for his behavior and given "easy one page homework that was too hard for him".......WHAT??????
How can it be easy but hard for him?? So, I'm sending my regular homework home since he can't do anything anyway. He knows his colors and can count, but still scribbles. He can't do math or barely read....and he still calls out "Teacher, I have to go potty!"
What is he doing in first grade?? My kids looks at him like he's weird.....and I admit I don't stop them. Bad teacher! But my kids have come so far and are so "mature" now....we've done such good work getting our routine down and really learning....I am so proud of them!!
But with Joey there, they constantly complain to me that they can't concentrate, he's too loud, why is he acting like "that". I did try to explain at first that he came from a school where he didn't learn much and so didn't know what they did and would have to catch up (yeah, run on sentance, I know); but what I wanted to say was he is a baby and belong in kindergarten!
And he DOES!!!! I started off saying that the school told me to start the process on getting him help....they knew he needed it, so does the mom. But I didn't realize how bad he'd be. So, I "screamed and yelled and SQUEAKED THAT WHEEL" and got the whole process speeded up. The first available SST meeting wasn't until January..and I thought to myself, there is no way on this Earth or in Hell that I am dealing with him until then. Yes, I did it for both of us.....mostly me and my kids, right now...but he does need help, and I want him to get it.
I've done the paperwork, the Resourse somebody or other or something like that came to observe him today (little wanker has the freaking nerve to act almost normal...but he slipped up a few times.) Oh, and the first day he kicked my little Anthony in the back!!!! I wanted to strangle him...I loooove Anthony, he is sooo cute and tries so hard and has gone from a B reading level to level 7 with the reading teacher......GOOOO ANTHONY!!
Where was I? I know I am all over the place, but I am just sooooo upset by all this. Well, the psychologist already knows Joey from before when he was in the district, so she helped get the ball rolling. She told me earlier that he responds to anything good he does, like sit still for two minutes, I am to praise him for. Well, bullshit!
My kids behave because they know they have to and it is the way we do things in the classroom. Of course, I give them tons of praise for doing good stuff, but not for sitting still for two minutes. I don't have the freaking time for that.....I have to teach 17 First graders to READ and WRITE by June.....WELL!!!!!!!
We don't have time for special needs crap.......which is why I DID NOT BECOME A SPECIAL ED TEACHER. Except for if the child is mentally able, I do not agree with mainstreaming.......they need special help and the regular teachers aren't trained to deal with kids with special needs, nor do they want to. Well, I don't. So, that's just how I feel...and I'd better not get into that right now.
So, I think tomorrow they Resource teacher is putting Joey in a reading group even before he's tested. We have an IEP (Instructional Education(al) Program, I think) on Nov. 24th. That is NOT soon enough for me. I think he'll be gone for awhile in the morning so we can have math in peace without him yelling, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS!"
And you can feel sorry for him, but I feel sorry for US more. Bad teacher, I know....but I love my kids and want them to have the best class possible. And they DID until Joey showed up.
Oh please let them decide to send him back to Kindergarten (he's only just turned six) and to another school! I mean he's not even mature enough to follow the rules of the school.....he runs to the bathroom after the bell rings, he had to "go potty" like four times during class, and is gone for over five minutes....*good*......and OOOOOOOOH, I could just scream.
I actually cried over this, I was so mad and upset and drained today! Not once since I started teaching no matter how stressed I was did I even FEEL like crying. Underneath all the stress, I was still kinda enjoying myself.
Now, if they ask me to work after Christmas.....well, I just don't know. If Joey is there and acting disruptive.......well, I just plain don't know!
So, there you have it.......I think I am done for now. I may be a bad person and teacher for feeling this way, but I'm human and won't possibly love all my students. So, we can put Ivan and Joey on the list. Oh, and Ivan is now starting to copy Joey......NOW I have to move the furniture around (Joey and Ivan already sit by themselves, now they have to be on opposite sides of the room). Oh, everything was going so great until now.........GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
That's it for now.........I hope no one fainted from my real feelings....not very PNBish of me.......
Niiiiiiiight for now!! Thanks for listening!