(no subject)

Nov 16, 2007 03:08

Once again it has been a while since I have updated. Oh well. I trust that the Internet will forgive me.

Naturally things have happened since I last updated...as is the way of things and events and life and stuff.

Let's see...

Over fall break I took a 6 day weekend and went to DC to visit The Phenomenologist. We had an amazing time. It was the best 6 days of the semester. Though it would have been neat if we had been able to spend more than 6 days together. Soon enough!

I finished my senior thesis! It was due yesterday, and is 50 pages long. It is a massive paper. It is about Kierkegaard and Abraham and theology and philosophy and all sorts of neat stuff [well stuff that's neat to me at least]. I really hope it turned out alright, but it is out of my hands now. All I have to do is wait for my grade and comments and stuff. I do still have to present it in January though...here's hoping that goes well. I'm really just relieved that it's done. Yay!

I registered for the GRE a little while ago. I'm taking it at the end of the month. Damn...I'm taking it two weeks from today! Eek! The test makes me pretty nervous. Hopefully I don't make myself look like an idiot after it's over.

I've also requested my letters of recommendation so that I can get my graduate school applications out. I am applying to four schools. We'll see how that turns out. The idea of taking time off sounds really appealing to me after this semester, but I want to get applications and stuff out so that I have plenty of options and whatnot. My first application is due at the beginning of December, and the rest are due at the beginning of January. So I'll be spending a fair amount of time on those soon.

I am taking a day trip to Tulsa on Saturday to visit a friend from my ballet company. She is now dancing with the Tulsa Ballet. I'm pretty excited. It's been quite some time since we have been able to see each other or really talk, so catching up will be really nice. The most I've seen her since I left the company was briefly after she preformed in our production of the Nutcracker, or briefly at the studio when I when I went to buy tickets. None of that really counts. So yeah. It should be fun. =)

I have also registered for next semester's classes. My last semester here! Neat! This is what I'm taking: Intermediate French II, Women in the New Testament, Introduction to Moral and Social Philosophy, Introduction to Chinese Literature, and Primal Religions. I'm not as excited about my overall schedule this semester as I have been in the past, but I don't think it will be too bad. We'll see.

The semester is coming to a close. It is almost Thanksgiving, which means it's almost December, which means it's almost time for winter break. Yay! I'll be going to Houston for Thanksgiving break. I leave in a few days actually. It will be nice to see my friends again, since they are both coming home for Thanksgiving too. I'm pretty excited about that. Also, I get to see The Phenomenologist in less than a month! He's coming back at the beginning of December for winter break. Yay! I can't wait.

That is all for now. I might be back with more later.
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